When a nigga / bitch you talking to says some freaky ass shit about fucking and you're tempted
"Aye man Khloe was abt to make me catch a kid last night"
Those weird kids in school that hung out in the gazebo during breaks and lunches.
"Hey Rob, did you see what Mindy was wearing before third period?"
"Yeah that furry raccoon tail on her jeans? I told you she was a gazebo kid."
Kid Quill is an American Hip Hop artist from Shelbyville, Indiana. Woah is freaking amazing and deserves more attention so if you are reading this check him out
Me and Kid Quill sorta like a big deal
Affectionately known as AOK, Accompany of kids is a group of young, gifted singers and dancers ranging in ages 11-21 who use excellent vocals, choreography and beautiful costumes to create memorable shows all throughout the year. They put on a Christmas show, Gala, and multiple summer shows over the year. Although based out of Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin, Accompany of Kids has members residing in fourteen surrounding communities. The mission of Accompany of Kids is to provide young people ranging in age 11 to 21 the opportunity to gain self-confidence, leadership skills, and grow into productive and successful adults through the use of the arts.
I just saw Accompany of Kids perform at Summerfest yesterday and it was awesome!
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Rave kids are typically between the age of 14-23. They are those "kids" that want nothing more out of life than to go to every live jam/electronic show/festival possible. They most likely live with their parents, have a low-end job (making just enough money to buy tickets to these shows) and do unheard of amounts of drugs. Their typical attire is: overpriced hat containing ridiculous amounts of overpriced pins relating to drugs and/or bands, oddly grown beards (also known as "festy beards), latest t-shirt from their latest show or festival they've been too, hemp necklace and khaki shorts or pants. As long as they can hitch a ride to a show, pay for a ticket, and get completely messed up on drugs, they are happy. If they do manage to sell enough drugs or save up enough money to move out of their parent's house, it's most likely they will be moving to Colorado with friends so they can be closer to the shows. You're only "cool" to them if you also embrace this ridiculous lifestyle. If not, they want nothing to do with you. These kids are also known as "neo-hippies".
Rave kid 1: Man, I only got $10 for gas for you to give me a ride to this show. But, I got some dank!
Rave kid 2: It's whatever man. We can do dabs on the way there!
Rave kid 1: My mom called us rave kids before we left, what does that mean?
Rave kid 2: I dunno. Hurry up and get in! The guy who is selling pins 2 for $40 isn't going to be there long!
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Any person who listens to hardcore. They listen to Righteous Jams, Champion, Set Your Goals, Hoods, Donnybrook, The Warriors, Bury Your Dead, etc. They go to shows frequently and mosh. They wear sport shorts or camo and always wear band shirts. They do not have extensions or any of that pussy shit but shave their heads. Most of the time core kids are ex scenesters or ex punk looking for a true music scene. they do wear tight jeans but not their sisters, thats for pussies. They 2 step and spink kick and the majority like Positive music and claim Straightedge.
Aaron: Dude i just went to Nordstroms and got these awesome Modern Amusement shirts for $200.
Josh: I spent $30 on my outfit and ill be more hardcore than you will ever be. I spinkick, i two step, and i live pure. I am a hardcore kid.
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Nomads of rock subculture, usually move from scene to scene, they get the name from the way they dress and other kids saying that they'll be the ones to shoot up the school, they take pride in their name like they take pride in the combat boots, black jackets and other abnormal clothing that got them their name, they do not shoot up school, commonly associated with punks, metal heads, stoners garage and DIY kids, they are the outcast of the outcast first two columbine kids were "PissBottle" and "HeadBoard"
Yuppie 1 "how much should we spend on the booze?"
Yuppie 2 "we can some money by having one of the columbine kids steal a fifth or two"
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