Alternatively; RP-stically Challenged.
A very tragic condition which prevents individuals within the RP (roleplay) community, who wishes to RP, from actually RP'ing as much as they want to, or at all. It's very stunting for their characters and their growth. This may cause the arpistically challenged individual a lot of distress, as they can only do their best to keep up with their peers, but will often lag behind.
Chad: hey bro wanna RP?? :o
Jack: man i'd really like to but i'm feeling arpistically challenged this week...
Chad: no pressure! :D feel free to poke me anytime if you have the time/energy to have our characters interact.
Jack: thank you for being so understanding :'D you rock
To be challenged by awesomeness
The fans blocked the door to the celebrity's house; he was ophetically challenged
a game where you must talk like a game show host NO MATTER WHAT. Contributed by BAH and BA_E
Buy the giant jug of sunny delight. Drink or empty a quarter. Fill to the top with favorite alcoholic beverage (tequila, vodka, etc). Finish in a day.
Dude were about to do that mega-jug challenge today!
Hell yeah lets pound that shit like a rabid monkey doing the disco!
If you play Forza Horizon 4, you probably no-life at these.
Yo i just completed the Forzathon Challenge of the winter season. You still finished them?
This comes from DDLC (doki doki literature club), and an character called sayori eventually Hangs herself.
“Sayori challenge lets go!”
A game predominately enjoyed by university students during the month of December. Each house-mate needs a Christmas themed hat and one bottle of Tesco value gin shared between the whole house/flat (the cheaper and more disgusting the better).
How to play: The Christmas gin must be kept in the living room/communal area along with a shot glass. From the first of December every housemate- if they want to enter the living room- must first wear their xmas themed hat. If they are caught by another house-mate- for however brief a time- without their hat- then they must do a forfeit of a single shot of gin. This continues throughout the month of December or until all the gin is gone.
For hard-core enthusiasts the boundaries can be extended to the kitchen and hallways.
Cheap gin is used because there is not a person alive who enjoys the taste of cheap gin straight- especially if you get caught out with your morning cornflakes ;)
Everyone got their stuff ready for Christmas Gin Challenge this year?
Mate lets do Christmas Gin starting tomorrow I've not gonna get caught out this time