When the boys are feeling rambunctious.
When the lads are keen for a spot of botha that may endanger the well being of others.
βDude Chris was so wasted last night he tried to break into the circuit board at the bar.β
βHey man, Crabs Gotta Eat sometimes.β
Derived from the saying "we eatin'", We all eat is the act of taking care of each other and promoting the general best in your group and/or family.
1. "Thanks for giving me your last piece of gum!"
"No problem, we all eat"
2. "Wow, you really went out of your way to show you care"
"Of course, we all eat"
An exclamation of sheer joy, usually used when competing with others. Watered down way of saying eat my rainbow candy.
Eat my goal! That's the second time I've beat your fat ass at Tekken 2.
I've slept with your mum three times in the past week. Eat my goal.
Hitting on a member of the opposite sex that your friend is involved with at any stage of a relationship. Generally early on.
1. Hey dude, you were talking to my girl Karen over there. Are you eating my rhubarb?
2. So you're facebook friends with my girl Karen now eh? Are you eating my rhubarb?
The act of eating ones food with such speed that chewing is either significantly diminished or out right abandoned in favor of swallowing the portions of food whole.
First refrenced in an episode of the simpsons when a co-worker commented on Homers eating habbits and was corrected by another co-worker.
Grimes: *watching Homer eat his lunch* My god, he eats like a pig!
Lenny: NI dont know, pigs tend to chew, He eats like a duck.
*homer deliberately swallowing a long john dounut whole*.
Grimes: Well some sort of farm animal anyway...
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when you eat some really good food.
Max- Bro that shit was Dupa Hilarious Eats.
Andre- We need to come eat here more often.
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In battlefield, it is the phrase used when a player stabs an opponent with a knife, and steals his dogtags, rendering the soldier dead and tagless. It is the utmost humiliation that one can render upon another player. The phrase should only be used when one of the many painful knife animations are played, and the dogtags of the opponent are taken. It should not be used on knife slice kills. Oftentimes, after this phrase is used, a teabagging proceeds it.
Legend has it that the phrase was coined by BilboTBagginU on the popular "violent industries" servers.
*Knifer knifes opponent*
Knifer: oh yea, EAT HOT KNIFE!
*Knifer proceeds to teabag opponent*
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