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To go down to a camp site late at night in order to steal alcohol or other valuables from peoples coolers, campsites, and picnic tables. Originated in Southern California.

"Hey, we gonna go squirreling tonight. Free Alcohol!"

by CET the Crumpet September 3, 2011


Pronounced Squirrel-ing, it is the act of a man and a women having sex in a tree.

Man: Hey do you think that tree would be good for squirreling?
Woman: Yea babe I love having sex in trees.

by Cecilianumber1 May 21, 2012


Verb: The act of nutting your load into a lady’s mouth and she tucks the nut away in her cheek.

I was squirreling a lady when she laughed and then there was mess on the dressing room floor.

by Ninjatasticflynn July 8, 2018


When a guy puts his whole ballsack in a girls vagina.

Squirreling my girl is the best! Just hide my nuts all up in it!

by DrivefastEatass21 November 22, 2019


when a girl tries to get your nuts as far away from your body as is humanly possible

brian: hey man, why do you keep groaning and holding your balls?

stewie: my girl was squirreling the sh*t outta me last night

by Banterlope89 May 5, 2022


The act of inserting both (or one) testicles inside a woman's vagina, thus replicating a squirrels predilection for the hiding of nuts.

Mandy didn't want me to put my dick in, so we were squirreling all night instead.

by Aaacey July 5, 2019


The act of avoiding someone by keeping a large object between you and the person. When they try to come around one side of it, you move the opposite way, making it impossible for them to get to you until they fake you out and catch you. Used both in real life and in video games.

On COPS, the police were trying to catch a naked black man at 2:00 AM, but when they attempted to apprehend him, he went behind a tree, and started squirreling them hardcore. This went on for 5 minutes and tied up three cops, until someone just whacked him in the shins.

In Fallout 4, 8 Mirelurks started coming at me, and all I had was a pipe pistol. There was a car right there, so I began squirreling them and shooting. Ten minutes later, 8 dead Mirelurks.
Also works great on Deathclaws, as their fat tails can't get through many small spaces.

by Ervty August 4, 2017