Source Code

AC Plonk

aircraftman second class in the RAF

He had recently been on leave, wearing the uniform of an AC Plonk (newly joined airman) …

by Delbosco October 14, 2021

Ace and Noah

Absolute ship 🚢

Ace and Noah are so cute together couple goals !!!

by Ac3e July 22, 2021

Ace chiefs

A cheer team known for breaking the “fab five” in the large all girl division at the 2019 cheerleading world championships. Made up of girls aged 13-19 who compete against the best of the best in the cheer world.

Omg they’re almost as good as ace chiefs

by Lirpacot October 18, 2019

Flying ace

An asexual person who acts as a "wingman", helping their friends get dates/partners

"Why is Morgan here?"
"He's my flying ace! He introduced me to my last boyfriend."

by Willy Shakes Jr. August 13, 2021


a blocky gun system on a blocky game and is very retarded


by dieterlover October 1, 2021

ace envy

owner for elite network also a litte shit

ace envy is a shit

by max giovanni November 22, 2020

Ace of Everglow

Without a doubt, Yiren of Everglow is the group's ace with all the positions assigned to her; vocalist, rapper, dancer, visual, center, face of the group and maknae.

The one and only ace of Everglow is Yiren who is perfect in every aspect.

by ZzZzSleep January 12, 2022