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shat on yo mama's black face

1.)An insult usually following nigga please

2.)What you say to your friend instead of doing your mom

"That girl just shat on yo mama's black face!"

by JoHn_KaYlOr October 9, 2011

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Beat the juicy out of yo Mamaโ€™s navel

juicy An aggressive term used to express anger or hatred towards another person.

beat the juicy out of yo mamaโ€™s navel

Jack, youโ€™re such a jerk, Imma beat the juicy out of yo mamaโ€™s navel!

by Unorthodoxy June 26, 2019

yo mamas big fat booty band

A funk/ska/hip-hopesque band hailing from Ashville,NC. The Booty band have devoloped a style called "Bounce," Which of course is exactly what one is compelled to do when you hear their funky ass muzik. Broke out into the "jamband" scene at Wakarusa 2006 where they rocked the fucking house two nights in a row. Disclaimer; One of their groupies was wearing a white dress and white panties the first night at Wakarusa and was jumping up and down and she was on the fucking RAG! Now Thats Phunky!!! And then the next night the band got half naked and she was running around stage in her undies!!! Schtoops! Nevertheless, they are a killer band, Check 'em out...I mean just think of the band's name for god's sake...Genius dare I say

Tom: "What are you going to go and see"???? Rick:"I'm gonna go check out Yo Mamas big fat booty band."
Tom: "What'd you say about my mama."
Also, The epitome of funky is that groupie riding down the river of red. PHHHHHUUUNNNNKKKYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by Jay4201 July 15, 2006

37๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž

mama! no tengo hambre comere mas tarde! later!

Mama no tengo hambre comere mas tarde, is a common used sentence when trying to get someone to eat their Frijoles (beans)
This sentence should only be used in controversial contexts.

- Mijo, come get your frijoles
- sorry my mom wants me to eat dinner
- "mama! no tengo hambre comere mas tarde! later!"

*smoke alarm going off*

by lucaca November 30, 2022

Your Mama Said That Shit too last night

It is in insult, if his/her mom did in fact, say that sit too last night. Pretend your friend says something sexual (See example below). You have an instant comeback!
Created by the al-mighty Squirrel, this insult has spread to a whole 2 people! Amazing!

Person 1: Hey man its cold out here
Squirrel: Your mama said that shit too last night, but you didn't see either of us compaining!
Person 1: I'm worthless!!!

(In fact, the lights were off and he wasnt home... so he couldnt see us if he wanted to!)

by Squirrelish87 December 11, 2005

14๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

i only love my bed and my mama

It means when you don't care about nothing else but your family and your rest

Drake: "She said she love me, I said I lobe her partly, I only love my bed and my mama, sorry."

by DatKiddNiya February 10, 2018

7๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

shit balls mother fucker in your mamas cooch

the act of wiping your friends moms ass with your balls then sticking them in her cooch (vagina)

last night me and your mom did shit balls mother fucker in your mamas cooch.

by awesome24678 May 26, 2010

5๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž