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Scene Kids.

1. Ohkayy so scene is just a category/ label/ sterotype thingg. You can dress however the fuck you want. If someone dresses like you, you both have the same tastes in fashion. It's really not a big deal. They aren't really a poser.

2. Mmk so "scene kids"

- Have cool/ bigg/ dyed/ layered or choppy hair.
- As long as it's not too boring and not flat it's good.^
- Wear skinny jeans or tight straight legs.
- Like colors.
- Also like black and white.
- Love clothes and shoes.
- Love concerts/ shows.
- Like piercings and tatoos and sometimes gauges.
- Like photography or fashion.
- Like music...alot, as do other people.
- Like dancing and partying.
- Can or not be straight edge.
- Does not matter if you like Dinosaurs and Pokemon.
- Usually wear hard to copy things. (No one scene or not likes a copy cat.)
- Shop online, at the mall, garage sells, markets, etc.

- Doesn't HAVE to be vintage like.
- Skinny fits are well liked..if you've got the body.
- Are not limited to just screamo and electric and techno sounds.
- Don't always like The Devil Wears Prada and BMTH
- Aren't always stuck up assholes who are extremly conceided.

- Aren't as stupid and foolish as you think.
- Just want to be themselves without being judged.
- Want to be noticed and have A LOT of friends.
- Not always attention whores.
- Like myspace, vampire freaks, stickam.
- Love pictures and making videos.
- Like makeup and nail polish. (mostly girls)
- Just wanna have fun.
- Aren't ALWAYS judging.
- Can be rude and think they'er better then you but so can anyone else with an ego and confidnce.
- Can be the nicest people and funest you will meet.
- Usually very open minded and wild to a point.
- Not always vegan/ vegetarian, though it would be a good thing to be. ( Save the animals.!)

3. Everyone has there own thing. Whether it came from their head or the internet or the tv it's still your own thing.
Everyone has or will copy at least one person in their lifetime. Styles and music are always changing. You may think someone copied you but mabey they just discovered it when you did or before you knew them. Mabey they think you copied them. They might not have even noticed you have or did it. You could never know just because you are too mad that the "poser" stole your look or the look you had a few months ago. You could be missing out on a great person just because you were quick to judge and decided not to like them when they probaly haven't even done anything to you but wear/ listen to something you have or love or hate. Whatever the case. And for you homophobes, go fuck your selves. People think it's super hot or funny or cute when the oppistite sex kisses the same sex, but when your own sex kisses the same sex you shun them. Not cool. It's super dumb. You definatly CANNOT help who you're attractied to. And not all scenes are gay or bi. Being scene isn't so much about being orginal anymore. That is just you trying to be yourself. Now "scene" is about being as close to perfect as you can get. Creating looks and art/ fashion/photography with own body that is amzingly beautiful and breath taking. Getting everyone you can to like or at least look at you in a good way. It's about being orginal some I'm not gunna lie. If you look the same as your friends you all or whoever joined your crew last will be labled a poser. Indivduality is the key to any look though. Scenes try to look better then everyone else, probaly why they say or other people think they say they're the shit. They try to look as hot or as cute as they can be while still looking badass and cool and not super slutty.


Posers.! Unless you actually know the person you'er talking about, like you reallly know them. Don't use the fucking word poser. I have been called this sooooo many times. And each time I ask them how I'm a poser they don't know what to say and shut their mouths. Or they look around for a while thinking and come up with "Umm you just are" Why I ask. " Because you are and I said so." Idiot. If you are going to say shit back it up. Ohh or they say you listen to shit. But Everyone has their own opinion in music. Even my best best friends and I disagree on on bands. Though we usually don't..

You should only call a person a poser or think they somewhat are if..

- They go on and on about how they're sooo hardcore and scene.
- They don't like hardcore music and they say they're hardcore. ( stuff like BMTH and TDWP aren't that hardcore.)
- They change their look alot.
- Like dressing in all black fer a month then Hollister and Abercombie and then tight clothes and bright colors. Then wearing pacsun for a while and dressing scene then asking you if you like them better which wayy.
- You have to be careful about that though they might just be deciding what they like fer real, and not trying on looks and whateverr.

- They are ranting on about their new found gayness.
- Like bragging and making it extremly known.
- They make it known that they are scene.
- They lable themselves.
- They buy everything to do with the sterotype (bows, headbands, skinnies, bright eyemakeup, dyes, etc.)
- They are suddenly into "scene" things. ( Hellokitty, DropDead, InvaderZim, lots of eyeliner, Babycakes, screamo and elctric music, etc.)
- They change their music completely and quickly.
- Only talk to other scenes.
- Copy everthing you and your friends do.
- Never has their own opinion.
- Changes when you change.

Person: Oh my god, did you see those kids.?!
Dood: Yeahh that guy was wearing skinny jeans and the girl was wearing a lot of eyeliner.
Person: SCENE KIDS.!

Scene 1: Ohh my goshh.! We just got invited to Rachel's party.!

Scene2 : Yayyyy.!:D
Lets go get ready I'll plug in my straightener.

Scene 1 : Ohkayy I'm gunna post my nw pic on myspace and turn on some music. Yayy.!! We get to party again tonight.!XD

Scene 2: I hope theirs hot people there, can I wear your new jeans.?

Scene 1: My new black skinnies?...I was gunna wear them. You can wear my pink or gray ones.

Scene 1: Ughh Becky is wearing the same shirt I got yestrday. I didn't even get to wear it yet.! Everyone is gunna think I'm copping her. I hate her.!!

Scene 2: Haha it looks better on you though and you have cuter jeans, that poser's still wearing flares. Ewwww.!

Scene 3: Flares are ugly but if she likes them, it doesn't really make her a poser. She's doing her own thing and she's brave for not caring that their not in anymore.

Scene 2: Ohhkayyy.? Well any wayys..I mean does she even listen to that band.?

Scene 1: Ughh I guess it doesn't really matter, I'm still gunna wear my shirt tomarrow. And I'll wear my cute jacket too.:) Mmm at least she has somee good tastes in fashion...


Scene Gurl: Ohh I really like this.
Scene Gurl 2: Yeahh me too.!
Poser girl: We should start wearing those.
Scene Gurl: Yeahh.!:D
Scene Boy: You guys look hot in those.
Poser girl: Mmhmm we do.!

Scene gurl 2: God I could bang you yer so hot.!
Scene Gurl: Hahah. Yeahh to bad I'm straight..
Poser gurl: Wait yer gay.?
Scene gurl 2: Hell yeahh. Well I'm bi.
Scene boy: And it is soo hot.!
Poser: Haha I'm bi too. Umm will you come with me, there's this new hardcore CD I wanna look at that Brook was talking about today.
Scene Boy: Yeahh she's hardcore, your hardcore..that's so scene.
Poser gurl: Yeahh.! I am scene totally hot huhh.?! (walks to Cds and all laugh behind her.)

by I'mSickofThisShit. July 6, 2009

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Scene Kids

things yu yurself can do, and most likely do do, that will make yu scene!
here are some things that make up, SCENE KIDS
- saying yu are bi or gay when yu really aren't
- having about a thousand pictures on yur website of boys making out..."emo" boys.
- having more than 50 friend on myspace
- listing everything, with little hearts in front <3
- trying to be random AKA "i like skittles & cows"
- being 15 and acting like yu have gotten over some serious serious issue AKA cutting, depression, etc.
- pictures of yurself wearing excessive eye makeup, having yur horribly over-dyed hair over one of yur eyes, looking at the floor, putting the camera up as high as yu can reach over yur head so yur feet look like ants and yur head looks huge, cleavage shots from above where yu can pretty much only see the top of yur hair and yur tits, making it so it looks like yu just have en eye-hole cut in yur hair, brushing yur hair intentionally over yur face, having yur mouth hanging wide open in a gasp of "suprise", putting yur face to the floor and making a heart with yur fingers, taking pictures of yurself in yur bathroom mirror, prefferably where yu can see yur sink and possibly toilet, wearing the tightest clothes yu could find striaght out of the dryer so they're even tighter, and having every picture yu have of yurself look almost exactly identacle.
- living in Denmark
- pretending yu live in Denmark or some other part of th UK.
- having yur list of favorite music look like yu took a list of bands off of google and pasted it into yur web page. alphebetically.
- having pictures of people with half their face showing and a giant paper sign that says "i<3yulykewoah" or something equally ridiculous.
- using the word rad
- calling anyone, even people yu have never met, love, darling, sweety, doll, hun, babe, etc.
- wearing the merchandise of bands yu have never actually heard, or don't really like but want to, because it would make yu seem interesting.
- hanging out at the local mall with no purpose but to stand around with yur other scene loser friends and look at each other's pants, not even wondering how they have managed to squeeze their penises into them. i know i wonder.
-having anything that says, or writing anywhere, that music is yur significant other or music is yur religion.
-having really tiny backpacks or purses that yu can't fit anything into, and are adorned with pictures of Teen Titans, Dora the Explorer, Spongebob, Care Bears, My Little Pony, The Incredibles, etc. any recent kids show or movie. same goes for t-shirts.
- owning absolutely nothing that is actually VINTAGE, yet they want everyone to think they bought their clothes at value village. when we all know yu just went to hot topic or got yur mommy to buy yu it offline.
- calling yur friends yur mates, yur chavs, yur lovers, yur dino - "insert name here", etc.
- having yur screen name or wesite name "insert yur name here! at the disco" aka shauna! at the disco.
- telling everyone how much yu love to colour, eat candy & drink soda, and other childish pasttimes.
- telling everyone yu are madly in love and then breaking up a week later.
- makeing out with yur friends at parties for attention.
- taking pictures of yurself making a face like yu are about to throw up, have recently thrown up, or are gagging on something.
- making a face like yu just sneezed or have a rather itchy nose.
- talking like yu are english when really yu are just plain.

scene kids ; i like to colour
me & leah ; FAG

by AmberLee June 23, 2006

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Scene Kid

Scene guys/girls ARE NOT STRAIGHT EDGE! They often get confused with emo's, the insanely depressed ultra straight edge vegetarians.
Scene kids usually wear all or mostly black clothes, they will wear a tight t-shirt of some kind, either with a band on it or some kind of funky design, the t-shirts tend not to go below the waist.
They will wear many kinds of belts. Guys seen mostly wearing two belts, one under the other, the first belt usually always has a large buckle.
They will wear either converse or some form of skate shoe usually vans, sometimes seen wearing the old school Nike air force ones, with the tounge sticking out over the jeans. Slip-ons with a cool design on are sometimes popular with certain scene kids. alot of scene girls wear dolly shoes.
They always have very crazy hair, guys usually with a side parting, fringe covering one eye and the back will be spiked outwards. usually with highlights in the fringe and/or back.
They listen to all kinds of music, from harcore to screamo to pure metal!
Metal music is very popular with scene kids. Bands like Trivium, Pantera, Avenged Sevenfold (A7X), and many others similar to these bands.
Their personailty is the main thing. They are nothing like Emo's. Emo kids, are vegetarians, very depressed, self-harming, straight-edge, no sex blah blah. They listen to depressing crap like dashboard confessional. Scene kids are the complete opposite. They get drunk, they get fucked on drugs sometimes, they smoke, they get laid. They do crazy shit! They are fun to be around. They are generally very nice welcoming and once you get to know them they will be the best kind of people you could ever know.
This basically wraps up the REAL defenition of scene kids. Hope this has helped with any confusion u may have had?
If i've missed anything out i will post another one!

I can't submit this without and example but i can't think of one!
And i have to use the word Scene Kid!
Oh well this'll do!

by Bet you'd love to know? March 10, 2007

14๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž

scene points

Scene points are defined as a tossers way of making people cool.

You gain scene points in many ways. The most common being:
- saying you dont like alcohol and getting wasted on beer
- putting <3 instead of a heart sign
- appearing at drinking establishments such as 'The Quayside' or 'The Winebar.'
- having a myspace which includes pictures taken from ambiguous angles. Bonus points are gained for changing the colour of faces on them.
- going to the local goth's house party just to say "I was there."
- getting the bus home after a boozy night out
- wearing tight pants
- wearing tight shirts
- having a ridiculous hairstyle. i.e. beyond shoulder length, spiked up, covering the eyes, dyed dark black/green/purple
- treating the common area of your local college or place of learning as a second home
- listening to bands who have more screams than actual lyrics themselves
- buying t shirts of such bands

However. There are ways of losing scene points. These include:
- Raveing to pleasure rooms in chavvy bars and nightclubs
- wear nike, adidas, reebok or other sporting brands of clothing
- have a common haircut such as short back and sides or a skinhead
- listening to songs which includes words and are under 50 decibels loud
- driving
- not commenting someone back or not accepting a friend request on myspace.

There are many more ways scene points can be gained or lost. But this is the tosser's definition.

For example. A once normal and upstanding citizen of the community could gain 5 scene points by going to the winebar, turning up in tight clothes, refusing beer then drinking it, taking obscure pictures whilst in there, then getting the bus home.

However, such a person could redeem themselves by getting a short back n sides, driving to the old town wearing an adidas tracksuit, going to a rave, enjoying beer then get a taxi home.

by Roger Watt May 27, 2006

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scene hair

Basically... a matted mop with color and streaks.

That's the best I can describe it.

Scene hair: Ugly, matted, stinks from not washing it to keep the colors in.

by rant.pop July 11, 2008

47๐Ÿ‘ 102๐Ÿ‘Ž

Scene Kid


Basically an Emo kid that likes to wear bright colors and dress differently, Frequently Skaters and Musicians. They spend a lot of time in the mall or on MySpace and they go to a lot of shows. Usually pro at playing Halo and Texting. Usually cool with most social groups but usually hate cops and Posers


Long Hair, Usually Puffy, sometimes with a streak or multiple streaks of color with or without a ribbon, Bow or Baby Hair Clip

Neon Colors, Zebra Stripes, Leopard Print are frequently found in their wardrobe

Skin Tight, Pencil Leg Jeans are mandatory

Tight Band Tee Shirts or Preppy Brands like Hollister or American eagle

Sometimes wear lots of makeup

Piercings Common, Especially Snake Bites

Converse - Flats - Sandals or Colorful High Top Skate Shoes

A Colorful Belt is Common, Sometimes with the Buckle off To the Side

Obsessed with Hello kitty and/or Invader Zim and/or Cupcakes and /or Diamonds

Often Vegetarians or Vegan

Usually fall for skaters and musicians

Listen to Metalcore / Grindcore / Underground Hip-Hop

Go To a lot of shows

Usually Really Hot

Obsessed with Mountain Dew and/or Old English

Spend a lot of time in the mall


Tight Pencil Leg Jeans

Tight Band Tee Shirts

Usually Skate or Ride BMX

Long Hair or New Era Fitted or both

Either Straight Edge or Pot Heads

MySpace is Mandatory + Lots of Friends

Listen to Metalcore / Grindcore / Underground Hip-Hop

Go To a lot of shows

A Colorful Belt is Common, Sometimes with the Buckle off to the Side

Sometimes Considered Metro

Neon Colors, Zebra Stripes, Leopard Print are frequently found in their wardrobe

Always in skate shoes

Piercings Common, Especially Snake Bites

Obsessed with Mountain Dew and/or Old English

Spend a lot of time in the mall

Scene Kid - Scene Chick - Scene Guy

by K.T.K November 5, 2008

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Scene Kid

A useless preverted copy of what once may have been a punk rocker, hippie, new waver, goth, reggaeton, metalhead, or any other group of persons differing from the main stream. They are one, of a largly populaur group, of rich children who apparently do not fit in with ANYONE and become the way they are as a resualt to there "horrible lives" of starbucks and nice clothing. These kids are generally found cyber crying there eyes out on myspace because some 14 year old boy who hasn't hit puberty said that they only liked them as a friend, or gathering at large masses at Hot Topic to buy the expensive band t-shirts that cost 5$ to be made, but 30$ because they were baptised as Hot Topic merch.

Punk: Hey, do you want a puff of this stoogie and then we can go chill and listen to the Clash or Hendrix or something at my place?
Scene Kid: *takes hit and blows chunks* um who's the Clash? I'd rather listen to some real music like Escape the Fate or My Chemical Romance and draw red marks on my arms so it looks like I cut myself.

by Silly Tipsy Hippie Tripster August 30, 2009

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