Source Code

Bro code

Bro codes are system of unwritten codes that all the bros live by. These laws shall not be broken under any circumstance. Bronstitution is an app that has all of the bro codes and laws, and the punishment for breaking each of the laws.

Michael: "dude how are you so updated with all the bro codes!?"
Steven: "dude I got the Bronstitution app, keeps me in check with the laws man"

by Pharaoh Gervito April 1, 2016

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Closet Bro

Any (usually) white American male that attempts, sometimes successfully, to convince everyone around them that they are not a bro, despite a certain and varying penchant for decidedly bro-like activities or beliefs; frequently using sexual experience to demand respect from one's friends, expressing a desire to fight others, an enjoyment and subsequent short-lived obsession with whatever mainstream rap song is currently "hot", open objectification of women, using ability and ever-readiness to drink heavily to assert dominance and respect within a social group, etc. are all telltale signs of a Closet Bro's true nature.

Note: Closet Bros know on some level what they are, and are afraid to admit, perhaps even to themselves, their bro-tendencies. They guard themselves against reality by vehemently proclaiming a hatred for bros; this only serves to aggravate the situation, making their bro-ness even more painfully obvious to their peers.

Example One

Mike: Hey man, I heard you were hanging out with Vanessa. How's that going?

Kyle: Dude, I hit it and quit it. That bitch don't mean sh-

Mike: Closet Bro! You!

Example Two

Dave: So Kyle was giving me a ride home, right? And we're sitting at a stoplight, when all of a sudden he turns on the radio and starts blasting a T Pain song. I just opened my door and got out.

Paul: I always kind of suspected that guy was a bro.

by Pharg March 10, 2009

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Party Bro

A "party bro" is the highest regarded status of all bro-hood. Sought by many and achieved by few, party bros are an endangered breed of superhuman, notoriously sustaining themselves for months at a time on nothing more than alcohol, tobacco, drugs, sex and Reeespect!

If you're hot and happen to see a party bro, fuck them immediately, as this is the only conservation effort that has had success in sustaining their dwindling numbers.

He's such a party bro!
I wish I was a party bro!
I just fucked a party bro!

by Etymologized April 19, 2011

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bro crew

bunch of kids who like to get drunk and be ignorant.

bro crew only talks to bro crew due to outsiders not liking members of bro crew. also its against bro crew law to talk to those outside of bro crew

bro crew roll out!

damn whats bro crew doing at this party?

by burpsup93 October 10, 2010

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Bro Siento

A way to say apologize to a fellow Bro.Pronounced like the spanish Lo siento, meaning sorry. Sticks with the theme of using spanish, like bro favor. Used in place of "My B" and/or the word sorry.

Bro 1 : Bro! Are you wearing my visor?
Bro 2 : Yeah dawg! its so awesome!
Bro 1 : Can you take it off bro favor? Id like to wear it
Bro 2 : Yeah no prob man, bro siento.

by Cmezz331 September 26, 2009

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step bro

a mfer who gets a boner no matter what his step sister does and does not understand consent.

My step bro got a bone as I was washing the dishes

by insatiable 2128 April 2, 2021

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Hey bro

A phrase said a lot from the wrestlers to the promoters

Wrestler: hey bro do you have any bookings coming up I can work anyone

by Mark12367 December 16, 2018

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