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A dogshit webtoon comic for fujoshis that fetishizes mlm

In the webtoon, Boyfriends, there’s the goth emo gaymer boy, the annoying rich blond prep tsundere, a creepy uwu pastel nerd cringefest, and the jock who’s the only tolerable character. All they’re all in a polygamy relationship and the way they interact with each other is cringe the only pair that’s tolerable is prep x jock.

Hailey: Hey! Have you read Boyfriends. Webtoon? It’s amazing you should read it!
Sara: I heard the creator said the n word and drew porn of irl people who are minors but go off I guess.

by Fuzik Void February 28, 2022


A cringe comic series on Webtoon created by the fujoshi Refrainbow. The comic features 4 stereotypical gays, “Jock”, “Nerd” , “Goth”, and “Prep”. The creator is so lazy that you have to do loads of research to find out their actual names as they literally go by “Nerd”, “Jock”, “Prep”, and “Goth” in the comic and not by their names. The creator is a loon who draws child porn and SELLS IT. They also infantize and sexualize gay people and polyamory. The comic itself is very dry and boring, featuring your stereotypical “uwu im so smoll” boys and your “strong quiet man with a soft side!!” boys… Not to mention the ads on youtube, featuring the whiny “uwu boy” voices and shitty animation, nobody thinks you’re cute. You’re just a whiny little kid, which leads to the next issue, the nerd LITERALLY LOOKS LIKE AN 11 YEAR OLD, AND ACTS LIKE ONE TOO. I don’t understand how this comic even has a fanbase 💔

Person 1: “Have you guys read Boyfriends?”
Person 2: “Yeah! I like it!”
Person 3: “Boyfriends.…? That webcomic?”
Person 2: “Yeah!”
Person 3: “Uh,,, Sorry, I don’t like it that much. Boyfriends is not really that good and has a lot of plot holes, the creator isn’t a good person, either.”
Person 1: “Thats alright, Person 3! Nothings for everyone!”
Person 2: “I personally think it’s a really good comic, though! The characters aren’t even stereotypical!!!”
Person 3: “That’s a lie and you know it. Boyfriends goes SO slowly and theres no arc. The only reason it’s so popular is because fujoshi’s obsess over gay people. The creator makes it out as if polyamorous individuals only use poly relationships for sex.”

by QuandaleDingleHere June 14, 2022

My mom's boyfriend

A fucking discord bit that has sex with our moms to make our tupperbox children/siblings/assholes.

Tupperbox/my mom's boyfriend: Tupper Registered!
Mom: Yes.
Legit the whole discord server: A child.

by Lavender The Bitch May 24, 2021

1👍 1👎

Supertwink's Tangible/Intangible Gay Boyfriend

I could have made that story so much better and he has the best power so now I have to talk about him even though I don't necessarily want to...

Hym "Wouldn't it be better if Supertwink's Tangible/Intangible Gay Boyfriend was really the villain? He's obsessed with Superboy so he resolves to augment the red kryptonite he finds one day and turns it pink in a lab accident that results in him becoming both tangible and intangible.

Then he uses the pink kryptonite to turn superboy gay and get superboy to molest his butthole. But Superman thinks something is amiss. He found himself suspiciously horny around that gay dude. So he enlists Batman to follow him. Who is this tangible/intangible gay man and why have they never heard of someone with such an overwhelming power? So they investigate and the truth is revealed but WHAT COULD THEY POSSIBLY DO AGAINST SOMEONE WHO IS NOT TANGIBLE!? So they are left to fight superboy to try and get him away from the pink kryptonite but OH NO! Supertwink's Tangible/Intangible Gay Boyfriend doesn't have to deal with molecular entanglement! Molecules that aren't his are displaced when he becomes tangible! Even the Kryptonian's hyper-dense molecular structure isn't safe from molecular displacement! It's ok! Batman called a friend 30 minutes ago. Barry Allen comes flying in 'Sorry I'm late!' Barry can ALSO pass through solid objects and is able to vibrate hus molecules so that Supertwink's Tangible/Intangible Gay Boyfriend can't permeate through Barry's body! Supertwink's Tangible/Intangible Gay Boyfriend is defeated! Superboy is traumatized from being used and molested! Bring him some whores to spite Hym! That'll make it all better!"

by Hym Iam March 11, 2023


the time in the relationship when it hasn't been made official yet

John is my pre-boyfriend.
I think I will ask my pre-boyfriend to finally be my boyfriend.

by enbyfrogs April 15, 2021

perfect boyfriend

his name is nekhi anthony banks he is sophia smiths boyfriend

wow khi is the perfect boyfriend

by sophielovessza December 30, 2022

perfect boyfriend


kiwi is the most perfect boyfriend ever no doubt about it

by kiwi's blakeyboo October 26, 2019