A cringe comic series on Webtoon created by the fujoshi Refrainbow. The comic features 4 stereotypical gays, “Jock”, “Nerd” , “Goth”, and “Prep”. The creator is so lazy that you have to do loads of research to find out their actual names as they literally go by “Nerd”, “Jock”, “Prep”, and “Goth” in the comic and not by their names. The creator is a loon who draws child porn and SELLS IT. They also infantize and sexualize gay people and polyamory. The comic itself is very dry and boring, featuring your stereotypical “uwu im so smoll” boys and your “strong quiet man with a soft side!!” boys… Not to mention the ads on youtube, featuring the whiny “uwu boy” voices and shitty animation, nobody thinks you’re cute. You’re just a whiny little kid, which leads to the next issue, the nerd LITERALLY LOOKS LIKE AN 11 YEAR OLD, AND ACTS LIKE ONE TOO. I don’t understand how this comic even has a fanbase 💔
Person 1: “Have you guys read Boyfriends?”
Person 2: “Yeah! I like it!”
Person 3: “Boyfriends.…? That webcomic?”
Person 2: “Yeah!”
Person 3: “Uh,,, Sorry, I don’t like it that much. Boyfriends is not really that good and has a lot of plot holes, the creator isn’t a good person, either.”
Person 1: “Thats alright, Person 3! Nothings for everyone!”
Person 2: “I personally think it’s a really good comic, though! The characters aren’t even stereotypical!!!”
Person 3: “That’s a lie and you know it. Boyfriends goes SO slowly and theres no arc. The only reason it’s so popular is because fujoshi’s obsess over gay people. The creator makes it out as if polyamorous individuals only use poly relationships for sex.”
1👍 1👎
A boy who you're talking to and basically dating, but its not official or titled
Jake and Sarah texted everyday and hung out all the time, but weren't actually dating. Jake was her Boyfriend not Boyfriend
21👍 6👎
A boy who makes you feel like he can give you the stars. A boy you believe only sees you.
A boy who gives you that "I have to pee" feeling even though that isn't true at all. Someone you would do anything for, someone you believe would do anything for you and would never hurt you. the one person who can make you feel beautiful. a person who can also make you feel insecure. Someone who makes you feel a serge of electricity every time you touch.
The amazing feeling you get when your boyfriend kisses you on the cheek.
The way you feel complete when your boyfriend moves the hair out of your face.
The way you feel when your boyfriend looks into your eyes.
1724👍 219👎
a guy who is there to make you feel loved, he's basically your best friend
Damnnnnnn my boyfriend is the bestttttttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!
201👍 25👎
the Person you always go to when you are sad mad or happy. The person who will never judge you. The person who is there for u through thick and thin. You can count on him to make you feel loved. Always ready to hold you in their arms and shower u with kisses.
I love my boyfriend....
132👍 13👎
Something I'll never have, but help my friends get all the time.........
Karen: I finally got a boyfriend!
Jane: that's exciting!
Karen: yeah! Without Sam's help I'd never snag him!
Sam: woo'hooo....
64👍 5👎
A lover and potential husband whom admires you for who you are. A male whom you can be completely honest with and is willing to support your decisions, because he trusts you. Knowing him makes you a better person. And being with him makes you smile :-)
My boyfriend took my friends and I to dinner to celebrate my promotion.
586👍 78👎