Source Code

Cleveland Clam Chowder

During the act of cunnilingus, a giver vomits into the vagina of the receiver, and continues with the act obliviously.

We hooked up last Friday, I was so drunk I gave her a Cleveland Clam Chowder

by indistinctchatter October 7, 2010

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Clam Jammer

Noun; Slang for a female condom.

"I wouldn't have gotten pregnant had I used a clam jammer!"

by ThomasJohn June 10, 2012

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blindfolded clam trap

the female equivilent to tea bagging

at the party last night, this guy passed out . so i put him in the blindfolded clam trap

by liquidsilk October 23, 2008

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Bowl of Clam Chowder

Similar to a Clam Bowl which is the female version of a fruit bowl but in this variation, the woman must have a yeast infection. The cheesier the yeast, the more "chowdery" the effect will be.

I would've gotten with her but, when she dropped trow, it was a the biggest bowl of clam chowder I have ever seen!

by I got you back September 21, 2011

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Playing The Clam Fiddle

Female masturbation.

Joey - Sarah are you playing the clam fiddle in there!?

Sarah - NO!

by Aviel_Nick May 7, 2010

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Boston Clam Bake

noun-The female version of a male Teabag. The name comes the warm, moist residue left behind on a person's head after the act is done. Can be used for both sexual and hulimiating to a person.

Dude, there is nothing better than a good Boston Clam Bake.

I love a little Boston Clam Bake in the morning with my coffee

by Domi-Johnny April 10, 2010

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Clam Stomper

A guy who doesn't respect the needs of a woman's clam, i.e. vagina. He wonders around like a whining emo wondering if he should light himself on fire or go jack off. These problems could easily be solved if he would just be nice to the clam instead of stomping it.

"Samuel is a total clam stomper, a taco nazi, and a butt head. Claire would rather make fun with a roadie than let him near her clam anyway."

by H Dittimier March 31, 2006

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