1. A royal who's first or last name is bubble wrap
2. A female who is wrapped or covers in bubble wrap
The Louisiana Bubble Bath involves two participants buttfucking in a bathtub doggy style. Then, the participant being buttfucked gets his/her ass pried open and the other participant continues to have explosive diarrhea into the anal cavity of the first participant. He/she then proceeds to lie flat against the bottom of the tub, belly down, forcefully expels the contents of his/her anus. This will result in many bubbles forming, thus the name, the Louisiana Bubble Bath. Depending on the speed of expulsion from the participants anus, this may turn into a Louisiana Bubble Volcano.
Link: Hey Terry, I heard you and Jim were gonna try the Louisiana Bubble Bath
Terry: We did it last night, it was explosive!
When you fart in the tub while taking a bath and create bubbles
"I just made an Italian bubble bath."
Referring to the color of a woman's genitalia
"I bet its bubble gum pink"
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The girl gets a big wad of Bubble Yum, spits it on her tits. Then the man starts titty fucking. If the gum goes dry the the girl has to spit on the gum again. At the end the girl has to blow a bubble with the gum and cum.
This bitch chews gum. She give great bubble gum titties.
AKA Bubble gum titties all day.
A person who is mindlessly drawn towards bubble tea
She can't help herself, she is a bubble tea zombie
When enjoying a song, Chris Chrome turn into this Human Bubble Head, bopping his head and enjoying the sound. (ex: when listening to that new Digga D album NbN)
You can witness the bubble head every Sunday on the Classic Quest Reviews on Behind that Suit channel
Chris: Yo that's a BOP!!
he says while bopping his head left and right up and down, turning into a human bubble head instantly.