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absolute rocket

The act of hitting a home run in baseball.

Bryce Harper hit an absolute rocket to right center.

by absolute rocket May 17, 2016

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rocket driver

This technique is good for a quick kill in Unreal Tournament 2004. The attacker needs to be on some sort of platform that is higher up than the target. In order to not be accused of being a rocket whore, this attack needs to be impromptu, not a result of camping. As the attacker sees somebody pass below him, the secondary fire button is held so that 3 rockets are loaded into the chambers of the rocket launcher. Just as the 3rd rocket starts loading, the used drops down directly over the victim and presses fire so that a tight formation of rockets incinerates his opponent right before he lands.

attacker: check this rocket driver out Tony... *drops down from ceiling whilst firing 3 rockets*
victim: FUCK!
Tony: I think I just shit my pants!!!11! You totally staeled teh cadny!111omgzbbbqhax
attacker: Shut up..

by Skeeter McDougal September 26, 2005

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Rocket Sniping

Like regular sniping, but with rockets.

i went rocket sniping with some noobs n got wtfpwnzored

by robertop October 10, 2007

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Rocket league

The best game of all time. If you don’t think so your wrong.

Do you want to play Rocket League.
DOES A PRO Air dribble

by King Koconino July 2, 2020

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Rocket Redux

(N.) To (Team)Rocket again. To go back to Team Rocket.

Jessie, James, Butch, Cassidy, Wendy Rocket, Black Rose, and Giovanni all had to make a Rocket Redux when Pikachu blew them up again.

by G-Union November 13, 2003

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guatemalan pocket rocket

a reach around throgh a pocket

me so horny me give you guatemalan pocket rocket

by titsmcgee September 21, 2006

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Purple Passion Rocket

take a guess, whats shaped like a rocketship, has a purple top and is full of passion.

Cindy: "I heard that Evan over there has a huge purple passion rocket."
Evan over hears this.
Evan: "How about you find out for yourself."
(Evan whips out his dick)
All the girls stood motionless in amazement, not only for the giant cock in front of them, but for the bravery of Evan for whipping it out in the middle of math class.

by Evan Met March 4, 2006

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