A guy who constantly listens to SoundCloud rap and is obsessed with getting “bulky” at the gym. Aka: small penis, and is bound to use you STAY AWAY FROM THEM!!!
Stay away from the SoundCloud rap bulky boys they are very bad for your health.
It is a simple thing, every 10th of each month, we do a gender swap, boys act like girls, and girls act like boys, easy right? Wring the boys wll have a tough rule, they have drama to deal with, complaints, have to do their nails, have to look pretty for their boyfriend, boys get an easy one which is pee, poop, work, and sleep while we have periods.
Oh hey its Act like a Girl/Boy day
*Turns into a girl* OH MY GOD JUST SHUT UP TYLER, NO ONE LOVES YOU... MY GOD BOYS ARE STUPID *One month passes* Hey boy wanna date?
Oh hey girlllll its time to act like a boy now! Nah, ima pee, shit, work then sleep.
All barbie boy bands are terrible at singing. They are most likely a grade six group of friends and there is five of six of them. One of them is the leader that is very load and gets in trouble a lot. The most popular song they sing is the barbie theme song. Most of the time their teachers name will start with a L and their last name will start with a R. There is only one Barbie Boy Band in the world. It is Dylan, Cohen, Ryden, Isaiah, and Henry. THAT'S IT don't try to start your own.
I know a Barbie Boy Band in my class.
Assurance that the statement just declared is legitimate.
To which the declaration of "boys" marks the statement spoken is, in fact, factual
Clevens: I just shit my pants
George: Say Boysss
Clevens: boys
George: wtf you doin bruh
Hot person: Hey do u know who is boy._.box?
Not hot preson:No? Who are they?
Hot 0erson: Its an seggsy bitch who uses she/xey pronouns and we need to pray.
Not hot perosn:Why?
Hot person: Because Damien supremacy!
Tae/Damien (boy._.box,hottest person) supermacy🛐
A person who keeps changing their name an pfp that also bites ice cream and kins perfuma from she ra and Lilith and willow from the owl house
"Hello Damien pissbaby!"
-how to be a good friend to boy._.box