Someone who claims their scared of nothing, and then are.
Used by 12-16 year olds
Can also be used as an insult towards someone who is weak.
Come on Big Man. Oh sorry i forgot your scared to fight me
Stonks man is the face and body used in stonks memes. Even though there are other words used in stonks memes, there is always the same stonks man.
Your mom gets turned on by Stonks man
Otherwise known as "OMTP", Old Man Technology Problems refers to those, mainly those who look old, who have trouble with the technology of today
Old Man: Sorry guys! Old Man Technology Problems!
Any daggy thing done/worn specifically by men (ie. wearing socks with scuffs).
"Look at that man dag."
A man who’s nose is so big it could be used to pleasure a girl, rossmary or queer
Oh yes peck me half man half bird