When a Mexican in Pinal County, AZ, parties so hard that he gets in the car after being unsuccessful at trying to come up on a girl from work, almost gets in a fight, then leaves with his buddies, drunk as hell, ends of falling asleep at the wheel, hits an unknown object which causes one of his wheels to fall off, all the while he and his buddies are all passed out in the car, wakes up to the cops arresting him for a DUI. Firme!
"Last weekend we partied til the wheels fell off, literally. I was in tent city with Sheriff Joe. Tonight, we party til the wheels fall off again."
When you poop out of a palm tree on someone's face.
Shit. I just got hit by a falling coconut on tue beach.
to hook up with an undesirable person.
I was so desperate for sexual activity it didn’t matter that their face and body were disgusting so I pulled a ‘Fall 88’.
To hook up with an undesirable person.
I was so desperate for sexual activity I didn’t care that their face and body were disgusting and so I pulled a ‘Fall 88’.
A common phrase used to tell a fugly ass bitch to die. Jacobs usually uses this word against people. Especially if they are zesty as all hell.
I hope you fall down a staircase <3
I hope you don't trip but fall down a staircase <3
* land safely
* catch in the net
* spill into the tray
* dump into the pan
* safely dispose of
* no mess made
* clean catch
* convenient drop
* accidental success
catch-falls (kach-faalz) n. pl. may conjugate fall as verb
1. The act of something conveniently falling into a tray, pan, net, or assembly; as opposed to the floor.
2. A tray or pan, net, or assembly that is used to catch something that falls.
* So I was eating some cheese by the sink with a knife. As I was taking a bite and about to enjoy this delicious snack, a small piece of cheese fell and bounced on the counter, but landed on the plate left on the floor for my dog
* The painter accidentally dropped his paintbrush, but it catch-fell into the tray.
* The mechanic put a catch-fall under the car to catch any oil that might drip.
Jandal - A New Zealand term for outdoor footwear consisting of a flat sole held loosely on the foot by a Y-shaped strap. In America known as Flip-Flops and in Australia known as a thong.
A phrase used normally in New Zealand when one slips their foot on the side of a curb or stair while wearing jandals.
Tim was walking down the streets of Auckland when his jandal slipped on the curb and he heard local people shout 'Jandal Fall!'