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Matt Ox

Matthew Oxford Known as matt ox a internet sensation who was seen as a meme but established himself as an all time great by collating with Big Sosa (chief keef) & The great xxxtentacion 😁 Matt ox is making the biggest comeback of the year and is well respected

You know Matt Ox? Yeah He’s a god

by issddd November 23, 2021

Matt Lissack

Desperate, starving, thirsty, obsessive

You love submitting words to the Urban Dictionary, you're such a Matt Lissack!!

by onthedeck1032 January 24, 2019

Matt Cry

The biggest dumbass in the visible universe. This nigga is also a pussy and fights smaller niggas,he also puts yellow cake in his blunts and juul. This causes him to act even more retarded and arrogant. He always using excuses to cover his dodo covered tracks.

Nigga 2 is bullying and trying to fight a 2 month year old infant for his 200th cousin accidentally bumping into him in a crowded hallway
Nigga 1:"yo what are you doing"
Nigga 2:" bro, do make fun of me, im suicidal"
Nigga 1"you acting like a matt cry rn bruh"
Nigga 2:"Oh shit, you right"
*Nigga 2 dies instantly, coughing blood in the process*

by Dawndolphin May 18, 2018

Matt Dillon

Matt Dillon is the finest living thing on this Earth. Possibly hotter than Ralph macchio. Starring in the movie outsiders text and rumblefish. HE IS SO FINE

Girl 1 "I want Matt Dillon!"
Girl 2 "no he's mine!"
Girl 3 " no he's MINE
Every girl in the world "NO HE'S MINE"

by Widdle sticks May 21, 2024

Pulling the Matt

Saying one will return back soon but never actually coming back

James pulled a Matt and hasnt been back in 42 hours Pulling the Matt

by Grimeggs August 7, 2014

Matt Grace

A scrawny little shit kid that thinks he is good at mountain biking

that "Matt Grace" is shit house at mountain biking

by mark luckic May 19, 2019

matt work

often times defined as practicing Mixed Martial Arts with buddies, but usually a cover up to blow your some dude named Matt behind the gym.
Also refer to the word Jim time

Dan: hey brett what were you at the gym for four hours for?
Brett: ooo just lifting weights, cardio, and a little bit of "Matt work"
Dan: sounds pretty gross.

by cshmnymc January 15, 2011