A miraculous event where only 1 square of toilet paper is required.
I just totally took a 3 hour dump and supringly, it was a one square wonder.
Two or more people talking to each other while blocking a heavy traffic area like a retail store aisle or parking lot.
Can they break up their social square, so people can get their stuff and go?
Something that is better than just ace. Often used by people with a mathematical disposition to describe pleasing experiences.
Can be shortened to "ace to the power 2 (Ace^2)"
I went to watch that film yesterday, it was ace-squared!
a howmanyever meter long line squared makes a square meter.
That carpet justin bought a few days ago was like...
3 square meters.
Square dancing is code for married sex. Married sex is very unoriginal - You do this to me - 1,2, - I do that to you - 3,4
I need to get some strange. I'm tired of square dancing.
Square root of 2(√2): hi 1/7
1/7: hi √2
√2: lets invite pi and e!
1/7: ok??
(pi,e,and √2 secretly planns to kill 1/7)
pi,e: hi there :)
pi: im 3.141592653...
e: im 2.718281828...
√2: im 1.414213562...
We never repeat!
1/7: im a repeated 857142...
Pi: just killing you thats alll
√2: kills 1/7
e: Bye have a great time
An irrational number that is apparently the distance between two vertices diagonally on a square with each side being 1 unit long
The square root of 2 is a backrooms level that only the most elite mathematicians can survive.