A disease that is caused by a certain species of frog located in the outskirts of bukit sentosa, malaysia. Those who are infected will find themselves speaking in a different language, talking gibberish and typing random words. The only way to cure this disease is to follow a guy to Japan. :3
She had the A.N.N disease and she followed him to Japan to cure it.
Not many dare usher these words, for the devastation they create is beyond explanatory circumstances. When suffering from Whiterods disease all the surrounding banter that exists within the human body is mercilessly killed and replaced with a dark force known as 'anti-bants'. This 'anti-bants' manifests itself in communication; where the host thinks they are being banterous but in fact they are not and everyone hates them. It also has a tendency to spread in the locally populated area.
I spoke to a girl today, she found me boring and the social interraction awkward. I must be coming down with Whiterod's Disease.
When a girl lies about her ex/one night stand to her friends to try and embarrass him when her claims are usually 100% bullshit
Girl: you know dat Tyreese?
Friend: the one you hooked up with?
Girl: he got himself a babydick
Tyreese's friend: I hear you got you a babydick
Tyreese: hell no she got that mad cow disease fo sho
Chronic condition whereby twice a day milking just doesn’t cut it. Self milking can occur up to six times especially if the hot cleaner bends over a lot.
This hot weather means pokie nipples and the scent of warm vagina - I got the mad cow disease.
when you piss off a bitch whos over 200lbs
holy shit! that bitches boyfriend wants me and now ive got to deal with mad cow disease
It says in the Bible, when a man or woman chooses to act or dress like the opposite gender, it is a absolute SIN and considered a MENTAL DISEASE
all LGBTQ people have the "rainbow disease"
It says in the Bible, when a man or woman chooses to act and dress like the opposite gender, it is an absolute SIN and considered a MENTAL DISEASE
all the LGBTQ people have the "rainbow disease"