Tahira's favourite kind of sex
"idiot sex
my favourite
That dude Daniel from the kik group #memesNbih with no redeeming qualities.
God I fucking hate that annoying idiot, Daniel.
The town's goody good newspaper man says this to my friends
G'day G'day you idiot said the short annoying newspaper man
Look at that fat idiot drinking beer!
An Idiot is a breed of human that doesn’t learn. They are incapable of making intelligent decisions. Their lifespan is usually about 10-20 years, but some get lucky and can live up to 55 years.
Taylor: “Tay Tay with the flow”
Madilyn: “Taylor is an idiot”
Everyone: “Yeah, he really is.”
"Hey, I dropped my keys in the toilet, can you give me a ride?"
"You are an idiot"
The knuckleheads that go to IHOP late at night and get into arguments and fights with staff and other guests. It almost seems as if eating takes a back seat to creating drama. IHOP, Waffle House, pancakes, waffles, Waffle House warriors, fights, punch, drama, punches and pancakes, fistfights and flapjacks
Every Friday night, the same IHOP idiots come out and fight and argue so the rest of us can't eat in peace. I hate it, but I also love the drama.