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Man Jew

A fucking douche bag

dude jessica albright is a man jew

by man jew April 4, 2008

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canadian jew

a canadian that joins the u.s. marines

"hey ya canadian jew"

by seth dowie February 4, 2008

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Noah is a jew

Noah is a stinky dirty bitch

That dude is really noah is a Jew right now

by Wowowowoowwwowowoww September 4, 2022

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Jew It Down

A very offensive term meaning "To bring the price of (something) down," referring to the stereotype that Jewish people are massive cheapskates. If you use this phrase in front of a Jewish person, expect to be punched in the face.

"That's too expensive! You better Jew it down."
*Gets punched*

by Someone who kinda exists September 27, 2022

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Over-jewing it

When a person is constantly bringing up their Jewish heritage in casual conversation.

"Yeah, I know he is from Israel, but he doesn't have to tell me about it every 15 seconds. I think he is over-jewing it.

by Jimmy Corkboard January 8, 2018

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to throw at Magen David (Star of David), otherwise known as Solomon's Star or six-pointed star, at one's enemy.

Chris: Eddie! Watch out! Tyler's gonna suck your blood! Quick, Jew-star him!

Eddie throws a Magen David at Tyler and completely turn the vampire into dust.

Eddie: Yes!~

by Sockbopper February 6, 2010

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Juice Jew

An individual who is miserly with his or her vape juice.

Randy wouldn't let me hit his Juul, what a Juice Jew!

by washington_foreskins October 15, 2020

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