When someone's mind is messed up and keep thinking multiple things jumping from one to one another
I am so busy right now and I have started to jumping nonsensely. Thinking about whether or not my boyfriend really suits me and do I really have time to be in a relationship.
using the attached rope of a flag pole to hang on while swinging yourself over an edge and back
tiffany and i went flagpole jumping for lack of anything else to do
To drive a herd of bison toward a cliff, where they stampede over the edge and fall to their deaths or be severely injured, making them easier to kill.
To keep Joe Biden staying in the race for so long was a buffalo jump !
He’s such a dirty dog he loves it down every hole
Yesterday, I learned how to do a Dirty Harry Jump.
a cool person
For D.I.C.E -Fuckasse
Woman:"Hey did you see jumps husband last night?"
Woman:"Yea jump is sooo lucky to have a person like him"
Getting an erection while jumping on a trampoline.
"Dude look at that hot girl."
"Ha, you're going to to start jimmy-jumping!"