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The FUCK YOU country, The United States. The Greatest country on Earth, despite what Newsweek will lead you to believe, FUCK YOU Finland! I believe that we should move our decrepit parent Great Britain in our house and take care of it. So England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, will be the newest four states. Then we should go around the world annexing any country that speaks English and make them territories. Then blow up every country that doesn't speak English as a primary Language. That's how it already works, all the countries that speak English are riding our coattails. That would leave the United States not only as the greatest country on Earth but the only country on Earth.

"Hey Will."

"Yeah Chris."

"We live in the greatest country on Earth, America."

"Why is that."

"For starters, two words: nuclear-fucking-weapons."

"Good point, now lets go shooting then make fun of the government."

"Yep we can do that because we are White Christian Men who only have sex with women."

(Both Together) "YEAH!!!"

by The A**hole August 18, 2010

41๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž


A nation that has undeniably contributed more to world economicaly, militarily, and technologicaly in its relatively short exsistence than most other nations on earth.

America was founded to be a haven for freedom, and though ignorance and prejudice have always tarnished that original dream , many of the world's poor and downtrodden look to America as "the land of opporitunity. This is why countless immigrants have risked everything to travel to America. The majority of the immigrants founs freedom and wealth that would be impossible to attain in their countries of origin"

Many people, unfortunatly some of whom are American, despise America because of its many shortcomings. Sadly, America-bashing has become fashonable to the point that you are considered ignorant and brainwashed if you dare to love America.

America isnt perfect but then again no country is. If you love America in every way, open your eyes and notice it's problems so they can be resolved. If you hate America, open your eyes and acknowledge it's countless strengths and admirable qualities.

"America-bashers need to quit burning flags and find a better hobby...wait, I forgot, not hating America makes you a fat brainwashed moron. Nevermind, be a 'freethinker' and follow the anti-American crowd cuz that means youre a genious rebel."

"If America is so horrible and evil, then why does it recieve more immigrants than any other country in the world?"

by megatech987 September 10, 2007

205๐Ÿ‘ 236๐Ÿ‘Ž


A country that everybody bashes because they hate to admit that it's better than their country. America is and for a long time will be the greatest nation the Earth has ever seen. With the most prestigious universities, hottest women (only exception: Brazil), richest people, and stunning cities (New York City is undeniably the best city in the world); America rules the planet. Don't hate the nation, hate the truth. ;)

American: and you hate me why?
European: because you're American.
American: what's wrong with that?
European: ........ugh....because you're better than me.

by escalade94 July 13, 2011

27๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž


America's are loving, sweet, kind, pretty, nice, and just everything in general. there super nice always there for you and will never leave your side. even if people are mean she's always there;)

"I love you America"
" I love you too, Jake" <3

by schuyler wallowwids March 6, 2018

6๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


A short and fast friend. She is funny in many ways, she is often always committed and will never give up without a fight. Thats America for you!

America was making me laugh so hard!

by FriendsNames September 24, 2018

6๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


The most kick-ass country on Earth. Despite what the UN liberals have you think, most people here are patriots who are proud to fight for their country, which is why all the draft-dodging pussies went running off to Canada. We are the most hated country only because we actually have the balls to protect what we care about. And not only do we protect our country, we send aid to other places in need. So all of you who hate America SHUT THE FUCK UP.

America is the land of the free and the home of the brave. God bless America.

by bowlingforcolumbuncombe December 31, 2010

78๐Ÿ‘ 83๐Ÿ‘Ž


When in it's plural form, it refers to the continents of North and South America.

In it's singular form it is a colloquial term for the United States of America. However, people constantly scrutinize Americans for calling themselves American, since there are more "Americans." However, they fail to realize that:
1.) People are proud in their nationality. You will never hear a Mexican say "I'm an American. I live in D.F." Likewise you will never hear a German person say "I'm European."
2.) It is pretty stupid to say "Hi, I'm an United States of American."

America is one of the most hated countries in the world. Even though Americans are constantly helping other countries in national disasters and such; and a lot of deformed or seriously injured people travel to America from their countries to go to American hospitals. Yet, in return, Americans get their flags burned and verbally attacked. Also, most anti-Americans have never lived in the United States in their lives, so there is no base to their claims.

America is presided over by George W. Bush. Non-Americans assume that since he is our leader, Americans love and accept him. Because of that, Americans are subjected to more meanness. What they fail to realize is that the President has an approval rating of 27-34%; mostly in part because he is the one to blame for the poor state of the American economy, and the failed American education system. He also started two wars, which again, non-Americans assume Americans support, which again is false.

Contrary to popular belief, America is one of the mightiest nations in the world. It is NOT full of stupid people, and it is NOT full of fat people, just as there is fat and stupid people in EVERY country. America is not excused from poverty, vagrancy, nor hypocrisy. Americans do believe that America is the best country in the world, just as British think that the UK is superior.

America is one of the most geographically and linguistically diverse nations in the world. There are people from all walks of life and backgrounds. Americans know they're not perfect, no one is.

Person A : "I come from America."
Anti-American: "That's horrible. You must eat McDonalds every day."
Person A: "...Uhm no...I'm vegetarian fool. And I'm skinnier than you."
Anti-American: "....I hope you die."
Person A: "Why?!"
Anti-American: "....Idk..."

by jayaretwo February 20, 2008

176๐Ÿ‘ 203๐Ÿ‘Ž