When the skanky ho don't like to swallow, so you cup your hands, let her spit and then use her shoe as napkin.
While in New York, traveling for business, I totally gave Kate the Cinderella Treatment!
A Sequel in which the comic relief from the 1st movie becomes the main characeter
Cars 2 is a perfect example of the Cinderella Principle
Something you say when your fed up with someone who acts like a bitch all the time.
Hey Jared cinderella my asshole-alicia
Somebody with a spoiled rotten middle class sense of desperate and urgency, usually in reference to winning sports games.
The Cinderella poser loved to preach about desperation and being one of the marginalized folks, but she didn't actually know anything about being desperate or marginalized from life experience, which is why she was the worst kind of senseless person, the kind that didn't know she wasn't an unbearable enemy, or that she had no common sense.
Someone that never really had to fight/work too hard for anything in life, but still wants the image of somebody that really did those things for show to the world.
The Cinderella poser always had someone else come help/save her if the going started to get tough, or if she started to get beat. She doesn't really know anything about loss, which is why she was never a true Cinderella in the first place.
Someone that pretends to be an underdog in life despite never having been one.
The Cinderella poser lives in a nicer house than her siblings, comes from a bigger house than her siblings, and has been to every one of her childhood friends' weddings, yet still always claims to be an underdog whenever there is a sports game or something she is desperate to win (with her spoiled rotten sense of injustice and disadvantages in life) . She claims that she was an underdog to the people she claims were in line in front of her/in her way, when in reality they weren't in line for anything, they weren't trying to become royalty (rich and powerful) like she was.
It’s when a girl wears one footwear on one foot but nothing on the other (completely bare)
“Why is she wearing only one shoe and sock on one foot?”
“She has the Cinderella Fetish”