The act of commuting douchebag related behaviors
Alex leaving his brother behind was an act of douchebaggery
When something was promised to you then later denied by someone it was promised to you.
I was told by my boss I was going to get a promotion. Then the next day he said he never said anything of the sort. Now THAT is douchebaggery!
Something that is a douchebag bag move
That is complete douchebaggery
The act of being a huge douchebag
I can't believe what Jeffrey did. That was Douchebaggery at it's finest.
Bad behavior of such an egregious degree or scope as to be deserving of serious punishment whether or not it is actually illegal.
Closing lanes on the GWB as political payback was clearly an act of felony douchebaggery.
Unlike POST-NUT CLARITY, which generally results in productive enhancements in cognitive function and sudden insights, POST-NUT DOUCHEBAGGERY (PND) has a pre-copulatory and pre-copulatory phase:
The pre-copulatory phase, in response to the increasing libido, massive reductions in undesirable personality traits occur ie they are a nicer, friendly version of themselves.
In the post-copulatory phase, immediately after orgasm, an immediate and sudden reoccurrance of whatever personality disorder afflicts. Symptoms include running hot and cold and unpredictable bitch acts.
I hit it with Brock last night and it was all good, now this morning he is being a raging cunt to me. Dude suffers from wicked Post nut DOUCHEBAGGERY...