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Coolest guy ever

wow i want to be a gavin

by Shy on yt October 7, 2020


To rush to end a game of league by focusing the nexus.

Look at this fucking Gavin.

He's Gavining again, what a loser!

by Deathfb March 1, 2023


He gets lots of girls especially when his last name starts with a H. He's very tall and strong and has abs and is really funny and hilarious and sweet and just overall has a lot of friends. He's not lonely at all he has lots of friends. Like a lot of friends. He's not lonely. I swear. Please believe me.

"I want to date Gavin because he's hot and sexy." - attractive girl

by Definitely not Gavin December 22, 2021


Gavin is nice and kind. He is a calm person that try’s to make friends with everyone. He is also a very funny and genuine happy person.he is very easy to fall for cause of how charming he is.

Boy A: hi
Girl A: hi Gavin


Boy A: Do you know how to do the math problem

Girl A: yeah you do 4x(5+6)dividend by 2
Boy A: Thanks

by Anymaos November 1, 2019


The gayest man you will ever meet. Often dreams of kissing feminine Indian boys.

Person: Last time I was kissing Gavin, he called me your name!
Yash (feminine Indian boy): OH NO!

by elbamohman January 12, 2023


Gavin, Is a nice and sporty kid/guy bad at soccer but plays hockey and laccrose and basketball, he is really kind and has good hair,

Hey Ben
look its a Gavin i want to be him.

by Yeeter(&97!@#$%^&*()__________ April 7, 2022



Gavin is a pussy

by Nathan_THE_CHAD May 9, 2022