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Public Image

How someone presents themselves, such as the way they look, act, and treat other people. The general impression that a person presents to the public.

Celebrities who want a good Public Image tend to look and act perfect.

by Small Mountain January 7, 2009

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Public sex

In recent years there has been a development of couples having sex in public, for the extra thrill of being daring, and doing it in front of others.

It has been happening in cars for some time, but recently it has become permissible to do it at parties, on beaches, in parks (depending on the country) and on trains and buses.

Sometimes total strangers have been molested, in the hope of sex, and there are many videos on the net of train sex.

Hey honey, for an extra thrill let's go to that party and have public sex tonight.

Oh sis, you should have seen it! This couple were having public sex right in front of the hotel! It was so erotic, I had to join in!

Mummy, look at those two! Oh don't look, honey! Why not, Mum? Public sex is wonderful!

by Group of friends October 15, 2011

76๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž

public deficit

the gap between revenues and expenditures for a government (over a given period of time); often referred to as an internal deficit or fiscal deficit.

The public deficit accumulates over each time period (usually a year) into what is known as the public debt.

by Abu Yahya February 15, 2009

17๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Caned in public

In certain non western countries, to be physically beaten/flogged in public with heavy wooden canes

In Indonesia for example, they don't know what Sodom and Gomorrah is, but people are caned in public for homosexuality, even perceived homosexuality.

by Sexydimma July 24, 2021

Public sitter

A person who doesn't use a toilet seat protector or toilet paper to line the toilet seat in a public restroom.

Guy: Dude, I just found out that Matt is a public sitter!
Girl: Eww, gross!

by Comment Poster June 16, 2008

Public Dog

Any animal you find out in public that you hold, pet or touch. The origin and germ status of said animal are unknown to you and it is now necessary that you disinfect the infected area.

A lost dog at the beach that you hold is a public dog.

"Man I have to wash my hands after I touched that public dog."

by Ineedagallonofpurelle July 22, 2013

public mattress

A person who's having a high amount of sexual intercourse throughout their life. (mainly prostitutes, bitches and your girlfriend)

Hey, do you wanna hang out with Jessica again, your public mattress?

Friend 1: Where are you going to sleep tonight, man?
Friend 2: Er, I'll probably search for a public mattress and stay there until tomorrow.

by thai-germane February 17, 2017