Invented in 2016, Wesamian Logic takes advantage of stupidity and applies it in a positive sense to allow for conversations that ironically, contain no logic.
Wesam: "Get me an empty cup while you're at Starbucks"
Other: "I can't, its 25 cents and I'm broke"
Wesam: "Just play some sick 50 cent beats, and they'll give you two cups"
Other: "Wow, why doesn't the rest of the world apply Wesamian Logic?"
A warped method of reasoning and debate technique encountered primarily in the pub, whereby common sense and prior knowledge are overused at the expense of actual evidence and synopticity, caused mainly by alcohol intoxication. Resultant ideas, theories and conclusions range from the ridiculous to the surprisingly ingenious.
Tom: "Why is the music playing from the jukebox so crap?"
Dick: "I reckon they deliberately play crap songs, in order to make you pay to put on decent songs. Makes sense, right?"
Harry: "That's a dodgy bit of pub logic!"
The kind of shite the UK makes up to excuse why they're so bad at Eurovision.
Examples of UK Logic include, but are not limited to, bloc voting/neighbour voting, blaming Brexit, blaming the Iraq War, blaming not being on the Euro, accusing other countries of cheating, and actively discouraging even remotely popular British artists from competing by saying the contest is "career suicide"
No disrespect to Terry Wogan like, but man he was full of UK Logic
Any day of the week, besides Friday, that is the last day of your work week due to scheduling, vacations, days off etc.
William: Dude, why are you wearing jeans to work today today, it isn't casual Friday, it's Wednesday.
Jack: Nah, it's logical Friday, I am outta here Thursday and Friday this week. TGILF!!
Junkie logic is the logic used by junkies. It has several characteristics that distinguish it from normal logic. These include: a reliance on irrelevant information to support an argument, combining multiple unrelated assertions, and jumping to conclusions not based on fact or reality. Junkie logic is often self-serving, and the user can rationalize away even the most convincing evidence against them.
Max: "Hey James, I know you said that the world is round, but maybe that's just because it's from your perspective. I mean, from my perspective, it's all relative, you know? It's like, if I think that the world is flat, then it's flat. But if I think it's round, it's round. So you can't really say whether it's flat or round, it just depends on which on you choose."
James: "Man, get out of here with that junkie logic."
Something that makes so little sense that only a retard could possibly come up with it
Example) Apples are red, and lemons are yellow, so would an apple and a lemon mix make orange juice?
Sentence: Bruh this nigga usin retard logic
A series of circumstances that do not follow the logic of science in any way, shape, or form.
Correcting someone about what you were wearing at an event in which you stated you were not at is quito logic