Source Code

Bonus Pepperoni

Any pepperoni on a pizza that can be removed and eaten without disturbing or removing the cheese on that particular slice. This is a Bonus Pepperoni and may be removed and eaten by anyone, whether OR NOT they chose that slice.

"Why is there hardly any pepperoni on this pizza?"."Because I ate all the bonus pepperoni."

by Sheenamg September 15, 2019

Pepperoni's Disease

The unfortunate souls who are diagnosed with this disease are commonly referred to as captain hook.

Pp go down

Girl 1: I was having sex with my boyfriend for the first time and his penis curled backwards.

Girl 2: Oh yeah, he must've had pepperoni's disease

by Captain Hook 2006 December 19, 2022

Pepperoni tony

An ethnically ambiguous male with a bristled mustache whose favorite pass time is throat goatin’ big Italian sausage while listening to Nickelbacks debut album.

Pepperoni Tony: “Hey big boy, I heard that big ass Italian sausage has a mean mushroom stamp?”

Big Boy in question: “mhm…yup”

*gagging noises*

by Chonavibes May 26, 2022

Pepperoni time

Often celebrated by fat hairy broskis who are wayyy to excited about something. Strongly disliked by football coaches and girlfriends, “pep time” for short is a commonly celebrated holiday in Flint, Michigan

-“Fuckin Flint Rob shoulder checked the blind chick and did a pep time afterwards”
-“names Rob not Bob
Ain’t a fag, put the pepperonis in a bag”
-“it’s pep time fuckers
-“you keep talking shit like that your gonna get nutted on with a pep time afterwards”
Pepperoni time means rubbing your nipples in celebration

by 4GKLOS2 October 30, 2018

A dirty pepperoni

A guy who is very desirable

Damn, that guy is such a dirty pepperoni, I definitely would.

by NinaPepperina May 27, 2022

Smushed pepperonis

When you stand on a girls titties with your heels and pee in her nostrils.

Me and drew did smushed pepperonis last night.

by Drew is my daddy May 20, 2018

pepperoni up

To improve something

The old house needed to be pepperoni up

by All day 1978 May 14, 2021