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top shelf

When someone scores a goal in hockey and puts in the top of net, it goes "top shelf". See also: top cookie

HOLY MAKINAW! He put that top shelf, right next to where mama keeps the peanut butter!

by Gilmour93 October 22, 2008

127πŸ‘ 62πŸ‘Ž

Shelf confidence

Having the confidence, figuratively or literally if you choose, to sit on a shelf and know that someone will buy you. Similar to self-confidence but in a more arrogant manner. It is more desirable, however, to have shelf confidence over self confidence.

Lebron James has a tremendous amount of shelf confidence.

by el bandito45 July 10, 2010

9πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

top shelf

The best of the best. Usually refers to where wine or liquor are kept in a specialty liquor store. The best stuff is kept at the top for display until someone needs it.

This Don P. is top shelf.

by Denis Baldwin June 30, 2004

311πŸ‘ 178πŸ‘Ž

top shelf

When one takes a crap in the water tank of a toilet. This is usually done as a party prank or as a method of smiting one's enemies. It's a real pain to clean out, stinks like hell, and makes the toilet flush brown for days.

That guy wouldn't give me a beer at the party at his house last night, so I gave him a top shelf.

by Durendal April 19, 2004

719πŸ‘ 439πŸ‘Ž

ass shelf

Part of a woman's body just below the small of the back that curves out to form the top of her ass.

I ran my hand down her back and rested it upon her large ass shelf.

by kahner April 30, 2005

29πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Taint Shelf

The tiny, almost useless, passenger accommodation on most modern sportsbikes. Often referred to as a β€œpillion”, this small, hard cushion has the effect of bludgeoning the area between the passenger’s genitals and anus throughout the ride. Because of its height relative to the driver and generally awkward seating position, these seats have a reputation for deterring passengers from wanting to ride along. These seats are a characteristic of the split tail style of motorcycles, opposed to the conventional β€œbanana” seat (single piece) design. The prevalence of this pragmatically useless design can be attributed to the greatly improved aesthetics and improved control of the motorcycle while in full tuck, as the driver can scoot back into the shelf to secure themselves from sliding further rearward.

β€œDude, do you remember having to ride bitch on my Zx10r?”
β€œYeah bra, my ass still huts from that retarded taint shelf…”

by Thirdgengearhead May 11, 2015

Dick On The Shelf

Dick On The Shelf or D.O.T.S refers to a strategy girls use when their relationship falls through or their routine dick appointmentgoes south on them. This commonly occurs when the guy is not hip enough to realize that he's been put on the back burner until she has use for him. Until then, he will not hear from said female because she's "busy".

Buddy 1: Weird thing just happened. This girl that I haven't heard from in weeks just waved to me on Facebook because I'm nearby.
Buddy 2: Yeah her F.W.B just ended and you're her Dick On The Shelf
Buddy 1: Dick on the shelf ?
Buddy 2: Yup, D.O.T.S homie.

by Syrpgangwaffuldaeus August 3, 2018