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Sonic The Hedgehog

sonic the hedgehog, one of the best gaming characters next to all time and possibly one half of the reason why world war three will start, the other half being Mario.

Since 1991 Sonic has taken on a variety of different forms from comics to anime and had a mass of different voices the best being Ryan Drummond from Sonic adventure 1 - Sonic heroes. Recently he has been given some really stupid gimmicks like a werehog form, a sword, and for some reason chip (see sonic unleashed). These have made many once die hard Sonic fans loose interest in the little blue hero and either stop all together or go to Mario and Nintendo for saving.

His main rival is Dr Eggman/Robotnik who is always after the gems of the world, the Chaos Emeralds, to use to enslave the world and defeat his little blue nemesis. He was given a super form in 1992 which has been directly linked to Goku and Super Saiyan from Dragonball Z.

Sonic has been on a slippery slope downhill recently with games such as Sonic 06 on 360 and PS3 being more full of glitches than anything with the exception of PS3 COD4 and MW2 online play.

(it is worth noting all music from ALL sonic games it AWESOME)

While Sonic and SEGA are not doing very well anymore there are some who remember what he stands for Honour Courage and Justice and that is what Sonic will be remembered for by those who still believe.

Also Mario and Sonic can get along WHY CANT THE FANS FFS

Mario: Hey Sonic hows it going?

Sonic The Hedgehog: not too good man my recent game was a flop and now everyone hates me

Mario: aw dont worry man i got this new project coming up with everyone at Nintendo you want in?

Sonic: what is it?

Mario: Super Smash Bros Brawl, besides we need someone to knock captain Falcon off his perch fastest character

C.Falcon: thats right ladies the fastest character in the game i could beat Ganon, Bowser and Meta Knight and satify you all in under a minute

Peach: GTFO

Sonic: sure man i'd love to

after Brawl

Sonic: thanks man it was real fun

Mario: ok dont forget we are going to the olympics and winter olympics later

Sonic: ok i wont forget, what a nice guy

Mario: what a nice guy

Mario/Sonic fans: WTF THEY CAN'T GET ALONG

Shadow/Luigi: our time to shine

See Chalkra X Nazo Unleashed for Awesome Sonic DBZ style fights

by Sonic AND Mario Fan March 23, 2010

100πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

sonic the hedgehog

sonic is the fastest hedgehog alive an d the coolest video charcter in the world.

by sonic's biggest fan jordan lee August 24, 2003

440πŸ‘ 129πŸ‘Ž

Sonic Boom

The loud, scary, startling noise of your car stereo when you start your car in the morning because the night before you were partying, banging your head to Van Halen and had it maxed out.

I got hit with the Sonic Boom this morning and fucking spilled my coffee all over myself when I started the car...we were jamming to Journey last night...

by b. hanback March 14, 2008

95πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

Majin Sonic

Unintentional scary (because in the European/Japanese versions had groovy music while the Americans got nightmare fuel as music) deformed Sonic that appears in Sonic CD (Easter egg that appears if you set sound test to 46-12-25, appearing along with the message β€œFun is infinite, SEGA enterprises, signed by Majin (hence the name)), Sonic.exe nightmare begins (as Creep) and FridayNightFunkin (hidden song from mod)! Differences between Majin and regular Sonic are:
Majin has 3 spines while Sonic has 6
Sonic has spines on his back while Majin doesn’t
Majin has a human face while Sonic has a cartoony animal face
Majin has no ears while Sonic does
Majin Sonic has been a part of a large debate if he has a mustache or not but the creator of the character has confirmed on Twitter that he doesn’t have a mustache!

Back in mah age da Majin Sonic Eastah egg gave us nightmares

by DalSpin November 30, 2021

Excalibur Sonic

A form of Sonic the Hedgehog that appears in the game Sonic and the Black Knight for the final boss fight. He is covered in golden armor and wields the Sacred Sword Excalibur. He doesn't use up rings, but can lose them if hit. Excalibur Sonic seems to only have a few abilities such as Dodging, Slashing, and Soul Surge

Sonic Fan: Man Excalibur Sonic is so cool!

2nd Sonic Fan: nah. Darkspine Sonic was better.

by ChoasPunishment February 27, 2010

Sonic '06


sonic '06 is cancer

by GameYogurt123 May 11, 2016

42πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Super Sonic

Form of Sonic when he has all 7 Chaos Emeralds.

Super Sonic vs. Perfect Chaos

by SonicDude May 30, 2003

149πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž