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Justin Bieber

An affront to modern day music. Listening to one second of his shittacular "music" is like inserting needles in to your eardrums. his fans, known as beliebers(for fucks sake people), almost always consists of 10-14 year old girls who spew acidic bile out of there orifices (citation needed),they like to proclaim how, there going to like totally like marry him someday <3<3<3. They will do everything short of murdering you if you have half a negative, or even slightly indifferent thought towards Bieber, all the while proclaiming that you are so jealous of his awesome talent and pimptastic good looks. Many people hoped that he would quickly die of crotch rot or too much sugary candy, but alas he remains, like a bad tumor on the nutsack of music.

Person#1: Man, Justin Bieber killed the Canadian music scene.

Person#2: Dude, Canada's music scene was killed by Avril Lavigne and raped by Nickleback, in that order, fuckin necro pervs.

by The Music Messiah November 11, 2011

56๐Ÿ‘ 61๐Ÿ‘Ž

Justin Bieber

The idea for this faggot was thought up by god around the time he had gotten as drunk as your average fat Irish man, and as high as a hick from Kentucky who is celebrating their 4th marriage to one of their large assortment of cousins. Justin Bieber is the reason/cause for all of the world's problems, such as but not limited to: World War(I&II), 9/11, and homosexuality. Overall, Justin is a menace to society and a total douchebag.

SideNote (Justin Bieber was created right after God made transvestites, hermaphrodites, gays, lesbians, and weeaboos.

Justin Bieber is a total douche nozzle.

by Ezreal, The Gay Boy May 2, 2014

22๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

Justin Bieber

A sixteen year old singer from Stratford, Ontario. He's not that great of a singer, but the ladies still love him for his looks. Boys usually make fun of him and call him gay, mainly beause he is about 5' 4" and has a very high voice. Although it's possible that he could be gay, it's likely that he is just a late bloomer. A VERY late bloomer. His voice coaches have noticed that his voice is slowly becoming deeper though. His best known songs are "Baby", "One Time", and "One Less Lonely Girl". Unlike those Disney-created "stars", he actually earned his fame. After Justin moved to Atlanta, Usher took him under his wing and now they're like father and son (according to Usher). He has released 2 albums, My World and My World 2.0 .

Average Joe: eeeewww i h8 justin bieber he is so gay

Me: Actually, chances are he's not. He just needs to hit puberty.

Average Joe: dude why would you say that r u gay 2?

Me: No, actually. I'm secure enough in my hetrosexuality that I don't feel embarassment when called "gay".

Average Joe: ...

by ThatGuyOverThere#1134785 March 26, 2010

735๐Ÿ‘ 977๐Ÿ‘Ž

Justin Bieber

Someone with absolutely no talent who has music producers at their disposal that can make them sound like they can sing, claims to have lived a rough life when they're 15 and have more money than they know what to do with, has to hang out with rappers and adopt their twang to not get the crap beaten out of them on a regular basis and literally has the dumbest fans on the face of the earth, whom in themselves represent the downfall of society into idiocracy. Can also be used to describe someone who has not come to terms with their own sexuality.

Let's take this no-talent, pretty little fruit cake into the studio and Justin Bieber him up so musically uneducated tweens will give us money.

by namoJsayFU February 17, 2011

55๐Ÿ‘ 60๐Ÿ‘Ž

Justin Bieber

A 15-year old "boy"- more accurately, a butch lesbian- who can't sing and writes terrible excuses for love songs. A favorite amongst idiotic girls.

Stupid girl: OMG I <3 JUSTIN BIEBER!!!
Person with a brain: That thing makes Milli Vanilli look talented you retard!

by deezjewnuts May 17, 2010

208๐Ÿ‘ 260๐Ÿ‘Ž

Justin Bieber

1. A punching bag for water bottles.

2. A five-year-old girl masquerading as a sixteen-year-old boy from Canada.

Water bottle: Man, I really wanna beat something up.

Other water bottle: Look! It's Justin Bieber! Get him!


*Baby playing in background*

Me: Shut that crap up! I don't need to hear a five-year-old's shrilly voice!

by Goldenfur October 10, 2010

107๐Ÿ‘ 127๐Ÿ‘Ž

Justin Bieber

hairy, fat, ugly, wanna be, sound like a 6 year old girl, and is a butt

Justin Bieber is a ugly wanna be that sounds like a girl.

by Selena Carpat October 15, 2011

61๐Ÿ‘ 68๐Ÿ‘Ž