all due diligence is done on the deal so it's a "solution" and not an "idea".
Employee: Hey office manager man - I'd like to buy a new fridge for the office.. Can I get one?
Office Manager: Give me a "press go solution".
Employee: Hey office manager man, I found a great fridge on craigslist it will fulfill all our office fridge requirements, it is this size, will fit right here, costs $200, plenty of room for the office pot luck parties and it will be less than $20 utility cost a month.
Office Manager: Ok lets do it. Or - Nah too much money! I have a decision to make since its a "press go" solution!
T Solution is a concoction of a shitty wine and a cooler/spritzer mix to avoid waste of alcohol. Originates on Vancouver Island 2021
This wine taste like shit... Here add (random drink here) T Solution
Hex solution is a solution of Propylhexedrine HCl, Propylhexedrine Carbonate, Propylhexedrine Citrate, Propylhexedrine Sulfate, or Propylhexedrine Acetate. For Propylhexedrine HCl, 0.2ml to 0.5ml 30% HCl acid (Muriatic acid) is used per Benzedrex cotton and 20ml water (5ml water + 0.5ml HCl to soak the cotton, 15ml to further clean the cotton. Wear gloves). For Propylhexedrine Acetate, 5ml of 5% Distilled White Vinegar is used per cotton + 15ml water (tap water works, but distilled is ideal). With Vinegar, no gloves necessary but still recommended. Clean with corn oil or Charcoal Lighter Fluid 10ml doing the shake and clean. Dilute it in 200ml to 400ml of water or juice or soda and then drink it.
Tony: I drank 300ml of 218mg Propylhexedrine HCl and clean the house. That was an awesome Hex solution.
a solution that is counter-intuitive to the problem. Its name derives from the Chinese finger trap which in order to free your fingers, you have to push your fingers instead of pulling.
the drug epidemic in the USA had a (Chinese) finger trap solution
A solution to a problem that should not exist in the first place
Man: "Why did you remove the bushes at the front of the park?"
Boss: "So our delivery trucks can get through easier".
Man: "We have a delivery zone out back, this is just an anti-solution".
how can I Prepare a PEG solution with a specific concentration (e.g., 10% PEG solution) to induce drought stress.
how can I Prepare a PEG solution with a specific concentration (e.g., 10% PEG solution) to induce drought stress.