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Propylhexedrine (PPX) is a chemical found in benzedrex inhalers. It's about 1/4 the strength of amphetamine. Propylhexedrine clears your nose. You can overinhale the benzedrex inhaler for a quick buzz. You don't eat the cotton because that would be stupid and the cotton could cause damage. Instead, you mix either vinegar or lime juice with water and add the cotton (after opening the container for the cotton). You squeeze the cotton. You add cooking oil to get rid of the lavender and menthol into the oil layer. You get a ziploc bag and cut a small hole on the side(a separatory funnel works better). You drain the liquid watery layer and throw away the oily lavender menthol layer. Then you have 250mg of Propylhexedrine citrate or acetate in water ready to drink and enjoy. It's a stimulant and nasal decongestant that gives you mood lift and energy but has adrenergic side effects like fast heartrate and sometimes anxiety and sweating. Propylhexedrine has a nasty crash. Amphetamine is better and cleaner. Propylhexedrine is still good though. In the past, there used to be benzedrine inhalers with amphetamine. Now, there's benzedrex inhalers with propylhexedrine. The high last 3 to 7 hours and the residual energy last a few more hours and then comes the crash with insomnia and no longer feeling high or buzzed.

I took 250mg Propylhexedrine and it was awesome!

by HawaiianPunch1 August 2, 2021

24👍 1👎


An over the counter stimulant drug found in Benzedrex (as a racemic freebase oil along with lavender oil and menthol, absolutely nasty) inhalers to be used as a nasal decongestant. In the body it acts centrally and peripherally by increasing levels of dopamine, norepinephrine, and (possibly considering structural similarity to methamphetamine) serotonin making it a monoamine releasing agent and monoamine reuptake inhibitor.

Propylhexedrine can be ingested by cracking open the Benzedrex inhaler, obtaining the cotton inside, and:
1) Simply ripping the cotton up and swallowing it (be ready to gag)
2) Ripping the cotton and stuffing it into adequate sized capsules and then swallowing the capsules (pretty easy)

The effects of propylhexedrine tend to include (but not limited to) euphoria, anxiety, pleasant "tingling" sensations, tachycardia (fast heart rate), dilated pupils, increased libido, erectile dysfunction (hard to get hard ;D), tics, insomnia, increased alertness, excessive sweating, rapid thought processes, increased motivation, moderate hypertension (blood pressure increase), etc.

Some people experience severe side effects due to propylhexedrine being a vasoconstricting (constricts blood vessels) including severe hypertension, severe tachycardia, faintness, dizziness, syncope (fainting), sudden headache, dysphoria, etc.

See the Erowid and Wikipedia page for 'propylhexedrine', Google is your friend.

1) Proplyhexedrine is found in Benzedrex
2) Hey man I'm so high on propylhexedrine
3) I'm so geeked on that OTC shit, propylhexedrine

by C6541 March 6, 2010

58👍 16👎

Propylhexedrine HCl

Propylhexedrine HCl is the HCl (Hydrochloride) salt of Propylhexedrine. While freebase Propylhexedrine is a liquid, Propylhexedrine HCl is a solid white salt. Propylhexedrine is made by dissolving it in ethanol and bubbling HCl gas through it. Propylhexedrine is good as a pre-workout, to unclog the nose, and to reduce hunger for weight loss. It is 1/4 the strength of amphetamine, and releases dopamine, norepinephrine, adrenaline (causes vasocontriction), and serotonin. It activates TAAR1 receptors. The dose range is 60mg to 250mg+. Doses of 60mg to 180mg will give you energy, concentration, an urge to lift things and run a lot (adrenaline rush), and more. Doses of 250mg or higher will lead to a buzz (mild to moderate mood boost) to a high (high mood boost), an even greater adrenaline rush, and increased side effects such as anxiety in most, fatigue, anger in some, insomnia, sweating, headaches in some, and more. Stacking Propylhexedrine with CBD and 7,8-Dihydroxyflavone (Tropoflavin) prevents some side effects.

Fernando: I tried 250mg of Propylhexedrine HCl measured in a scale and dissolved in juice and was high for hours. I had the best workout ever for 3 straight hours.

by CognitiveFuel July 8, 2023

Propylhexedrine HCl

Propylhexedrine HCl is Stovetop Speed. Propylhexedrine HCl is 1/4 the strength of Speed (Amphetamine HCl, Ethylamphetamine HCl) and 1/8 the strength of Meth (Methamphetamine HCl). Propylhexedrine HCl is made from Propylhexedrine freebase by acid salting (reacting it with 30% HCl) using Muriatic Acid. The Lavender oil and Menthol are removed by using Pentane, Hexane, or Heptane. Hexane is carcinogenic. Propylhexedrine HCl solution you add 40% ethanol and evaporate using a Bovado Borosilicate Glass cooking dish. Then refrigerate in a refrigerator.

Steve: I made Propylhexedrine HCl using a Bovado Borosilicate Glass cooking dish.

by HawaiianPunch1 November 25, 2024

Propylhexedrine HCl

Propylhexedrine HCl is the acid salt form of freebase Propylhexedrine. Propylhexedrine HCl melts at 123°C to 128°C and decomposes at higher temperatures. Propylhexedrine HCl is obtained by acid salting Propylhexedrine freebase dissolved in 50% Ethanol and 50% 2-methyl-2-butanol cooled down to -10°C by bubbling HCl gas through it. There's 175mg of freebase Propylhexedrine and 216mg of Propylhexedrine HCl can be obtained. Propylhexedrine freebase can be cleaned with 0.4ml to 1.0ml of Muriatic Acid (40% HCl Acid) per cotton in 5ml of water per cotton and washed with 15ml of water per cotton for a total of 20.4ml to 21ml of solution per cotton. Then clean it from Lavender oil and Menthol using 10ml to 20ml Hexanes (Charcoal Lighter Fluid). Shake it in a bottle and separate layers. Then clean it with 10ml to 20ml of n-Pentane per cotton. Separate layers. Add 10ml of Vodka (40% ethanol) per cotton. Evaporate most of it in a Bovado Borosilicate Glass cooking dish. Then wait until the liquid starts to get kind of viscous and put it in the freezer and/or use a fan to get Propylhexedrine HCl crystals. Scrape with a Razor and weigh it.

Tony: I got 218mg of Propylhexedrine HCl per 1 Benzedrex cotton.

by HawaiianPunch1 September 13, 2024


Propylhexedrine is a nasal decongestant and a stimulant. There used to be 250mg of Propylhexedrine freebase, now there's 175mg Propylhexedrine freebase in the Benzedrex inhalers.

Tony: *Sniffs Benzedrex Propylhexedrine.

*Nose decongests.

Tony: This Propylhexedrine is great and awesome!

Dave: That's good for the nose.

by HawaiianPunch1 March 15, 2024


Propylhexedrine is a nasal decongestant and mild stimulant that is found in Benzedrex. Some people get stuffy nose a lot so they end up using tons of Benzedrex and inhaling it to get relief from stuff nose with boogers. It really works for unclogging the nose. Then you breathe better through the nose and smell things better. Ahh, sweet relief.

Dave: I have a stuffed nose and a cold. I can't smell anything. Let me try some Propylhexedrine.

Dave: *sniffs Benzedrex.

Dave: *sneezes snot. *nose gets clear.

Dave: I smell everything!

by HawaiianPunch1 November 20, 2024