AFK je, po definiciji, gubljenje razume tokom odredjene situacije.
osoba 1: hej kako se zoves bese?
osoba 2: ko kako se zove?ja?
osoba 1: da, ti!
osoba 2: kako se zovem...ahaa!
osoba 1: o boze...AFK
Away from keyboard
-AFS Away from screen
-somone cheated
•oh, im AFK
-someone said something stupid(chat)
AFK means ''away from keyboard'' its mostly used by pc gamers and they say it when they want their squad to protect their game character while they are ''AFK'
p1:Im going afk rn
p2:SERIOUSLY??? we're still fighting fr bro????
-Hey, why does AFK mean?
-It's an acronym, that means Ahmed Fucks Karina
-Now it makes sense
1. Internet short code for: I have to go for some time, I will be back
2. to be idle, especially for a period of time
User138583: AFK
Rop00p38483: Ok
afk meaning you are standing still and not there
hold on guys im afk i will be right back