Source Code


people say its an cheating device, but in reality, its the thing that most people use because the problems are way to hard to do in your brain.

guy: ok now all i need to do is multiply the results
Q: 25 x 99 = ?
guy: oh god i need to use my calculator

by someone else thats not u February 9, 2021


a cool machine that is used to help you with masturbation and life

oh my god im so hard, i need a 'calculator'

by john f kennerdy December 9, 2016


a tool that is often mistaken for a cell phone because of the number keypad

Person 1: Hey why does this phone have a square root button?
Person 2: That's a calculator! You can only use that to call people in your local area.

by exampleofperson'sname June 13, 2022


Something you call your Asian friend when he answers a question in math or gets a good grade on a math test

Asian friend: Yes I got a A+ on the math test
Non-Asian friend: Dude your such a Calculator

by Hugedickuser69 June 3, 2020


Calculators - The code word for weed
Smoking Weed - Math Equations
Stoned - Watsoned
Chonger - TI-83

Yo Drew and Tyler where are the Calcs, we need some to watch half baked.

by ex seed May 5, 2005

1👍 5👎


What asians are not allowed to own or they risk a... well..... other asians understand.

Dad: "Is this yours?"
Reveals my calculator

Me: "N....n....N-n-n-n-n-o, maybe its Pui's."
Next door neighbour: "Why does it sound like Wang is humping the wall?"
His wife: "Must've found his sons calculator."

by Xyanid3 February 26, 2021


for cheating of some stupid shit y'all do on TikTok

I need a calculator let's see, what's 2+2 oh it's 4 then what's 2*2

by shay_girlz July 19, 2022