Bad behavior of such an egregious degree or scope as to be deserving of serious punishment whether or not it is actually illegal.
Closing lanes on the GWB as political payback was clearly an act of felony douchebaggery.
A term used to describe how one Douchebag will cause others around him to become Douchebags.
Mike used to be such a great guy until he started hanging out with Chris, now he's a complete douchebag. That's Chris' Domino Effect of Douchebaggery for you!!
Something that has characteristics of a douchebag, the going-ons and happenings of a douchebag.
Sure he can come along, as long as he knocks off the douchebaggerie and shave that beard!
An act of a Chief executive officer, Head of marketing or a Financial officer in a company, that sets prices for their products exceedingly high to extract maximal value from customers, knowing that the company they work for is a monopolist within a very narrowly defined market and thus subjected to limited actual competition, while making it hard for authorities to enact anti-monopoly policies and lower prices for consumers through regulation.
Wow, the prices of these laptops are so high, they border on Tim's douchebaggery!
Such unusually high profits for a company in that market must surely be a sign of Tim's douchebaggery.
Congenital douchebaggery syndrome (CDS) is a devastating affliction affecting persons in positions of perceived, rather than genuine, importance. Most sufferers of CDS are unaware of their affliction, and can do little to mitigate the symptoms. Symptoms include, but are not limited to:
* A pervasive need to appear valuable to every situation
* Desire to assert superiority over all others at any junction
* Ability to create "facts" out of thin air and whole hardheartedly believe them
* Insistence on including oneself in discussions despite having nothing of value to add
* Determination to "help" everyone, especially those who don't need any help the afflicted could conceivably provide
CDS awareness is spreading. General understanding of CDS as an affliction can help in the survival rate of CDS, as associates of CDS sufferers may look upon the afflicted with pity and be less likely to murder them in the break room.
"Did you hear that BS Jerry was spouting at the team meeting?"
"Oh, don't take that to heart, he has congenital douchebaggery syndrome. He can't help it."
Unlike POST-NUT CLARITY, which generally results in productive enhancements in cognitive function and sudden insights, POST-NUT DOUCHEBAGGERY (PND) has a pre-copulatory and pre-copulatory phase:
The pre-copulatory phase, in response to the increasing libido, massive reductions in undesirable personality traits occur ie they are a nicer, friendly version of themselves.
In the post-copulatory phase, immediately after orgasm, an immediate and sudden reoccurrance of whatever personality disorder afflicts. Symptoms include running hot and cold and unpredictable bitch acts.
I hit it with Brock last night and it was all good, now this morning he is being a raging cunt to me. Dude suffers from wicked Post nut DOUCHEBAGGERY...