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Fried Chicken

1. Burn a Nigga to steak
2. when Speed slurps his Fried Chicken

KFC, fried chickens ? Hell ya ! SOLD

by Blackmanisuwu December 29, 2023

Fried Chicken

A fucking racial stereotype towards black people to think that they LOOOVE fried chicken. A food that makes White assholes bring black people to the nearest KFC because they think they eat like pigs.

(White Guy): Hey I've got this really great place to eat at!
(Black Guy): Really? Where?
(White Guy): KFC! They have the best fried chicken.
(Black Guy): Dude, WTF.

by handle in use by someone else. November 3, 2022

snake blasting fried chicken

When you go to kfc you can encounter fat people with snake tatoes and they will proceed to put kfc in your bumb

Please dont snake blasting fried chicken me in the bumb.

by DR. DICKFUCK February 10, 2017

the fried chicken vote

The fried chicken vote is a general term for the votes from the hicks and Southerners

Donald Trump's definitely has the Fried Chicken vote

by TepigIsHot March 5, 2020

Fried chicken crispy wings

Its the best food ever in your life. The crispyness...the fry-ness..... Oh my god i want to eat it now.

A: want sum fried chicken crispy wings bro
B: yea sure
A: crunch
B: crunch

by Smiley man •̀͜•́ April 25, 2022

Bentucky Fried Chicken

A Congo warrior that gets no hoes, so they seek a child to molest

Onkengowu - man these women wont give me a chance, Imma go for the children fuck it.

Ovuvetunye - Nah man! Don't be a bentucky fried chicken! Fix up.

by Your local wasteman May 2, 2024

The kentucky fried chicken fucker

Instead of masturbating like a normal person. This person is obsessed with fucking KFC Chicken. Just the smell of chicken makes them go crazy. Even the thought of colonel Sanders makes them think of nutting into some gooey KFC gravy.

James is known as the kentucky fried chicken fucker because he likes KFC a little more than most

by TheMotherPlucker July 10, 2022