Source Code

Douchebag Sandwich

When you are driving and stuck behind some a-hole going under the speed limit and have another a-hole tailgating you. Unfortunately, by being in the middle of this, means you too are a douchebag.

My ride to work sucked today, as I was once again in the middle of a Douchebag Sandwich.

by jamband October 17, 2014

Sample Sandwich

When you go to a food store that has samples and sandwich it all together into one big heap of food. Also known as a SS or

S Squared.

Guy 1: "Dude I'm starving, I'm gonna go head down to Costco and pick up a sample sandwich."

Guy 2: "Grab me one, I'll nom on that all day long bro."

by CYFIWROTETHIS May 6, 2010

Sandwiches with Mayonnaise

The act of hooking up with someone as a person sleeps beside them, inside of a tent.

Catherine and Alex were making sandwiches with mayonnaise while Greg was sleeping.

by Big Bro2009 October 15, 2008

Wide Sandwich

A threesome with two fat men whereupon the non fat man is in the middle.

Person 1: Man, Jim looks sore today.

Person 2: Yea, he was in a wide sandwich with Fat Albert and John Goodman.

Person 3: Really? Did he say how it was?

Person 1: Foldy.

by P.Batman March 18, 2011

kief sandwich

A bong bowl packed in the following order:

Weed to cover the bottom,

followed by a thick layer of kief,

followed by a top layer of weed to keep the kief from burning off

Man I'm gonna pack a kief sandwich, you in?

by Mayor Willnot January 24, 2017

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Code name that underage drinkers use when there beer is stored in a cooler.

Hey Dan pass me another sandwich from the cooler.

by McCall aka Mongoose September 24, 2008

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wish sandwich

A kind of sandwich where you take two pieces of bread and WISH you had some meat.

Ever heard of a wish sandwich

by Suisare July 29, 2004

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