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llama ranch


i am going 2 the auction at the llama ranch,

by wednesday adams November 8, 2003

Llama lord

The llama lord is known for its godlyness and fluffiness

The llama lord could crate llamas and destroy all llama kind

The llama lord is approximately 100,000,000 meters tall (328083989.5 feet) taller than all llamas

The llama lord’s Scientific name is: lama glama lorma
The llama lord is 60 million years old

Sadly the llama lord is just a myth among the llamas

The llama lord is very tall” said mally

Yes it is” said mrs. Candy

by Llama Queen April 13, 2022

taco llama

Taco llama means a llama that LOVES tacos! A unexpected but nice combo.

Taco llama is also a fun catchphrase to use!

1- Taco llama! Your so funny!
2- Who are you?! WHY ARE YOU IN MY HOUSE?!

by Taco_llamas December 29, 2022

Llama Totoro

A llama (majestic creature of the world) and totoro( from the movie "My Neighbor Totoro" ) combined into one

I am a llama totoro

by Llama Totoro😐🔫 October 12, 2016

HMS Llama

Commisioned in 2010 off the UK Dorset coast, Royal Navy sea class destroyer. Her credentials include Soberton.

Did you see HMS Llama sail yesterday?

by BobNestaMarley April 29, 2011

llama rape!

llama rape is when a llama rapes you because you are in their way, or when a llama finds you sexually attractive and you refuse to have sex with it so it uses force.

the girl was very scared after she became a victim of llama rape!

by popper XD August 24, 2009

15👍 3👎

sexy llama

One so sexy they can be awesome enough to be reffered to as a llama.

"Hey, look at that sexy llama over there!" or "My llama is sexier than yours" and one of my favorites "Hey, get your hands off my sexy llama!"

by Kandybat April 11, 2010

11👍 2👎