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LORMA simply and inevitably certainly certain, also a slight possibility Lorma could absolutely maybe, probably I really don't know I'm just being as honest as I knows Understanding everything I say right? See you see alil about me.I am she ,her that I refer about .Lorma one self individually refined, defined, quilty or all kinds of life happens, saddening and happy things. Lorma can only do as a Lorma does.. and yes I do cuss ,mistrust and fuss.Lorma does confess, depress ,reflect.And try the verybest of Who and continues to be correct the errors of The Uncorrect Lorma Way.Although Lorma is an enormous amount of energy and does The best Lorma is capable and able . Whether or not L o r m a is a person, place or object..I know one and will indeedly and truly confidently say just a thing or a few.The one and only can and will be genuinely amazing, resultant, brilliant, intriguing intelligence , strange approach on all of every thing. I love to here The One and only Lorma I know Sing, Lorma Is not easy to define. Just remember what it is you can and will.. Lorma has, and possibly may steal.. And Lorma Will.. For the people that Lorma does Lorma Thimgs and ways for.. LORMA ISN'T JUST ONE .Lorma means; Equal . To be no less or greater then ,any,every and or all.But to possess and maintain a magnificent amount of energy, light,knowledge and experience. LORMA, only what Lorma is.

LORMA , IS WHAT LORMA IS.. OVER,UNDER AROUND UP AND DOWN .LORMA can turn any frown or smile all the way back around.. All while giving it a completely different meaning and or reasoning.. Lorma is a complete problematic solution to a few questionable issues that could cause this spacy,distasteful place to have a humongous great taste, of what it is The Lorma does,done,did .Lorma gives and gets.But Lorma does It Lormas way and forfeits self inclusion in such events that are a mire deceiving illusion .that's my only answer and definition. Also my first and last final answer to what exactly Lorma means it's I hope to think and believe a definite defining definition I may have left a word or whatever out or misspelled something.. if it's published noe,them only thing that means

Is Time for a refreshing refresh of what was taught all the u toa freeman I was
.but was soon removed.. OVER things I didn't even do.i need to know how I can sue. Because lorma gotta do what has been waiting for lorma. That's what lorma would do..

by SHE'SHAL April 3, 2023