A girlfriend/boyfriend that you fuck in a locker
ite m8 is a text acronym for ‘are you alright m8’
Tomas the idiot argentine looked confused, so Charlie sent him a text saying ‘ite m8?’
"wtf m8": As in, 'What the $%#@, man?' only meme'd.
I walked down the wrong side of the street and nearly caused an accident; all I heard from the driver was, "WTF M8!"
I yelled "WTF M8!" when I found out that my Doritos were stolen.
a phrase normally baiting the other side
*insert troll baiting here* "gr8 b8 m8 i r8 it 8/8"
A male/female who is one's buddy, companion, or lover over the internet in chat
Great b8 m8, I r8 8/8
M8, stop hogging the ball