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Poynter's sign

med. N. adj. (1) A non-specific testicular swelling due to a pethology, or otherwise. (2) A 2 inch testicular descent upon vocalisation of a low G in bass clef.

Poynter's sign in practice

Enlargement is graded with a bell (end) shaped normal distribution curve - the Soysa scale. Through stages 1-5, with stage 3 being considered of normal/acceptable size. Stages 1 and 5 are attributed to extreme manifestations of underlying pathology/low pitch.

Investigation and diagnosis is by means of a trou-down, and diagnosis is confirmed by means of illicited transillumination with the laser-Poynter (head torch with multiple light modes).

Treatment is 8x25ml doses of jager (stat) over a one minute period. Relapse is often noted on long bus journeys or in shared accomodation.

by LP2206 July 11, 2008

12๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

gang signs

a sign one makes with their hands in representation of what set or hood they are from

see dat fool,dont he know he shouldnt be throwin them signs up round hurre

by fo shizzo my nizzo December 31, 2005

315๐Ÿ‘ 186๐Ÿ‘Ž

Stop sign

A sign meant for people to stop at, that people misread as continue driving.

Little boy: mom you just drove past a stop sign!

Mom: they have no meaning

by Picklebubble June 20, 2014

15๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sign of the whale

A reference to a popular bar in Washington, DC that is conspicuously located next to the strip club Camelot. Claiming to visit this bar is a euphemism for having gone instead to Camelot.

Girlfriend waiting on the corner: "Wait, did you just come out of Camelot?"

Boyfriend having just come out of Camelot: "No way baby, I was in Sign of the Whale."

by DC hood rat October 13, 2011

the sign is me

The ultimate need and change in your life that you have been needing and prop ably have not realized, that is until your sign" has came into your life.

The sign is me means"Ever since the person has been talking to me my life has been going so good" or "Whenever we talk my day becomes brighter

by thatgirlbene November 4, 2022

sign queen

A person who will only date someone who is a compatible astrological sign.

I tried to set Debra up with my friend Stephanie but she refused because I told her she was a libra, what a sign queen!

by climberdude22 November 4, 2018

Road sign

When you aggressively steal a road sign and use it to fuck your mom until she screams then use it on your whole family until they scream or cum and then jerk off onto it and then impregnate your sister with the road sign

Person 1: i did a road sign to my family
Person 2: Same

by Vexk April 12, 2022