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A really cool song by hit American rock band My Chemical Romance (often abbreviated to MCR or My Chem)

(Really cool guitar) Teenagers scare the living shit out of me

by LeoTheKilljoy October 21, 2023


Teenagers are people who are treated like 5 years olds, and expected to act like adults. Most teenagers are not aloud to do anything to want to do because there not old enough or aren’t trusted enough yet when it comes do doing something that they are made to do they are expected to know everything and act like the most knowledgeable people in the fucking world.

Carla: hey mum this guy at school asked me on a date can I go
Mum: no, I don’t know him, his parents, his face, if he’s gonna keep his dick in his pants
Carla: I can give you all the information, then can you let me go
Mum: no your not old enough
Carla: I’m fucking 16!!!! A teenager!!!

Mum: have you gotten a job yet
Carla: Yes I’m starting at macca’s on Monday

Mum: oh wow macca’s, and are you working on anything else or are you just gonna stay working at macca’s, I expected you to get a good job now and then get a well paying life living job when you’ve finished school but NO, macca’s!!!!!
Carla: but I’m only 16 what we’ll payin job can I get?
Mum: I don’t know your basically an adult figure it out yourself stop acting like a child
Carla: I think I may fucking runaway

Fucking hate being a teenager

by Miss Misunderstood March 13, 2018


Idiots that stink. I would know. I am one of them.

Bob:What are you doing?
Dick: Listening to Nirvana....Smells like teen spirit.
Bob: Ugh, teenagers these days!

by SlappyChicken March 16, 2019


A teenager is simply a person who’s age ends in ‘teen’, hence the name. Possibly the best and worst time of your life.

The worst part about being a teenager (besides ‘the talk’) is how much we are stereotyped. As in people see teens as trouble causing, lazy slobs when that’s not the case for a lot of teens.

I’m 14 and I enjoy school, I read books and do art and play guitar and pretty much use my time wisely and appreciate life as it is. No, I don’t spend my time on social media 24/7 or sleep in til late afternoon or drink or smoke or any of the other things that older people think teens do.

“Hey, remember when we were teenagers? Lmao”
“Omg, we were such idiots back then

Remember when being a teenager was fun! Me neither.

by SaltySpoon178 February 3, 2019


Someone who writes definitions on urban dictionary

The teenager used the school's library computer to go on urban dictionary.

by Flabbyeargh October 6, 2018


The stage when you're too young to do half the things you want to do but too old to do the other half.

Person 1: Those teenagers are always sneaking into clubs!
Person 2: No they're not! They're always on kiddie rides and getting over excited by bubbles.

by heartofglass June 25, 2014



Teenager #1 - ¨I just broke up with my boyfriend and I've never felt worse.¨
Teenager #2 - *trying not to burst into tears about getting a 92% on a test* ¨Oh, yeah that blows man¨

by Octopus Bear October 16, 2019