The feeling after hitting a nicotine device that makes you feel dizzy but without the nausea of nic sick. This feeling is usually pleasurable and will leave you with a great feeling.
James: “I just hit the Nord for like 15 seconds and got an insane nic rush.”
Duston: “No way dude, I don’t even get a rush from 20 seconds.”
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Alternative derogatory name for Rush Limbaugh
When Rush Limpdick isn't spewing his radical right-wing bullshit from his EIB microphone, he seems to be into popping pills. He had an oxycontin addiction and once he was caught by airport security with some viagra without the proper prescription.
2001👍 213👎
A tactic used in Blizzard's 1998 release of "StarCraft." The Zerg were one of 3 playable races, bug-like creatures that created units through evolution, morhping, and hatching. The Zergling was the basic infantry unit, capable of only melee attacks. However, in a multiplayer situation, a single larva (the basic unit from which all Zerg units morph) will morph into two Zerglings, creating a cheaply made swarm at a rapid pace. Used for quick ends to multiplayer games and is often referred to in both negative and postive lights.
He wiped out my SCV's and my command center in 90 seconds flat with a Zergling Rush.
103👍 7👎
Most likely happens in places of social interaction: a term to describe that moment when you and another person of interest have aquired such affection for each other in the shortest amount of time thought possible, that you simply engage in any adrenaline fueled sexual contact regardless of the reactions and responses of those around you...
"I went to a club last night and had a major love rush- this girl who was practically my female equal had one too, and just couldn't keep her hands of me. Soon enough we were copulating in the club toilets :P" Joking lol... that was an example :P
75👍 5👎
When an large scale attack occurs within the first 10 min or so of a RTS game while the opposing player is focusing on gathering/producing resources.
Originally from the RTS game Age of Empires, a tool rush is when a player attacks while still in the tool age. As the goal of any RTS game is to first increase production of resources to a high level and then increase production of battle units, one can attack an enemy within the first 10 min. of a game while the enemy has no or few units of attack and little defenses and is focusing all of their attention on gathering resources for which to build battle units and defenses.
Tool rushs must be carefully orchestrated as the rushing player will usually have few resources as well, and few, low-tech units for the attack.
Ok, 4 min into the game, I need some more wood. I'll send villagers over to this forest... <sounds of dying villagers> what the hell? AWW CRAP! ... tool rush?! CMON MAN!
He's a big fat idiot!
(Many thanks to Minnesota's junior U.S. senator)
If you don't believe it, just look at that hypocritical obese drug addict, and for the "idiot" part check out what Rush Limbaugh wrote in his book, "The Way Things Ought to Be".
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When mean, reckless & bigoted people like Rush Limbaugh order food or drinks in a restaurant, hotel or coffee shop they often receive a "Rush Order" which has the addition of a little special sauce often called "man juice", also known as semen. A "Rush Cup" is often employed to collect this sauce from a group of employees in the public bathroom. This is why you should never, ever abuse a waiter or service person where food or drinks are served.
"Hey, Sean Hannity is here. He's on that damn Blackberry phone again talking way too loud. Lets give him a double Rush Order in his triple non-fat latte."
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