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Femboy transformation week

Starting on April 18th all the way to the 24th you have to become a Femboy. Not doing so will give all Femboy's in the world permission to do whatever they want to you.

Girl 1: Hey babe its Femboy transformation week.
Guy 1: ... Ugh... *Puts on thigh highs*

by JustSplub April 17, 2022

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Pike transformation

when a physics teacher used to be quite slim, and then discoverd the power of the donut. thus, his belly multiplying about 39 times the ratio of the normal human belly, and could be mistaken for sasquatch, depending whether or not he decided to shave or not that particular day.

judy: holy crap did u see mr. martinez? what happend to him? he looks different.

tiffany: OMG you haven't noticed his pike transformation? he gained like 50 pounds.

by The Ariana July 11, 2008

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Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

Sequel to the original movie, Transformers, which was a huge it. Shia Lebeouf and Megan Fox will star in it. Releases June 26, 2009 in the U.S.

Transformers: Revenge of the fallen is gonna be the tightest movie in the world!

by gcast1026 January 11, 2009

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Poor-Man's Transformer

noun (slang):

1) A Go-Bot

2) aka: GoBot

3) A Ghetto-Transformer

4) Children's toy (vehicle) that
turned into a robot (well, sort-of)
by means of a few simple twists,
smaller and less expensive than a
Transformer (heck, even the Go-bot
Cartoon show was cheaper and
cheeseier than the Transformer's
Cartoon, notice there's no Go-bots
movie),BUT at least you didn't need
to read the instructions just to
transform a Go-bot!

4) Probably the coolest toy of the
it's time (20 years ago or so). If
you were really poor like me, your
Go-bot was a rock or a stick, which
you had to pretend turned
into a robot or something.

"The Go-bot is the Poor-Man's Transformer."

(Just as Anthony Hopkins in the Poor-man's Dennis Hopper; the former being a cheaper, less-inspired, and generally far less desirable version of the latter).

by goodcop8 August 11, 2007

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Transformers 2: The game

A stupid game based off a great movie and it has shitty graphics and the only person who plays it is a fat kid named Eddy.

That fatass Eddy was playing that dumb game Transformers 2: The game again yesterday.

by EddyYouFatass July 7, 2009

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Transformers: Age of Extinction (2014)

Transformers: Age of Extinction (or simply Transformers 4) is a 2014 American-Chinese science fiction action film based on the Transformers franchise. It is the fourth installment of the live-action Transformers film series and the final installment for Michael Bay to direct and stars Mark Wahlberg in the lead role. It is both a sequel to 2011's Dark of the Moon and a soft reboot of the franchise, the film takes place five years later, after the Decepticon invasion of Chicago. Like its predecessors, the film is directed by Michael Bay and executive produced by Steven Spielberg. Ehren Kruger is the film's screenwriter, having written every Transformers film since Revenge of the Fallen. The film features an entirely new cast of human characters and is the first in the series to feature the Dinobots. Returning Transformers include Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Ratchet, Leadfoot, Brains, and Megatron (now known as Galvatron). The film was released on June 27, 2014, in IMAX and 3D.

Transformers: Age of Extinction (2014):
1. Galvatron in this film is based on his original version from The Transformers: The Movie (1986) (Megatron resurrected as a minion, who eventually rebels and returns to leading the Decepticons) and Nemesis Prime from Transformers Prime (2010) (a human-built duplicate of Optimus Prime). His black color scheme is also a homage to the The Transformers (1984) Decepticon Motormaster, an Earth-built clone/rival of Optimus Prime.

2. Ratchet appears to have already known Lockdown prior to the movie's events. This could be a reference to the online Cyber Missions episodes, which took place between Transformers (2007) and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009) and featured Ratchet and Lockdown fighting against each other (itself a homage to Transformers: Animated (2007)).

3. Optimus Prime's alternate mode in this film is a cab-over truck and later a customized Western Star 4900 SB truck. The cab-over truck is a homage to Optimus Prime's original alternate mode in The Transformers (1984); and the tanker truck pays homage to Prime's G2 mode (where he was a 1995 Western Star 4964EX tanker truck) and Transformers Prime (2010) mode (where he took on the alternate mode of a military truck).

4. At the end of the film, Optimus Prime leaves Earth to embark on a quest to find the creators of the Transformers. This was one of the originally proposed ideas for the plot of The Transformers: The Movie (1986) that was rejected for unknown reasons.

by The Centurion November 10, 2014

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Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009)

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is a 2009 American science fiction action film directed by Michael Bay and produced by Steven Spielberg. It is a sequel to 2007's Transformers and the second installment in the live-action Transformers series.
The film stars Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox, Josh Duhamel,Tyrese Gibson,John Turturro,Ramon Rodriguez,Kevin Dunn,Julie White,Isabel Lucas,John Benjamin Hickey and Glenn Morshower. The plot revolves around Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBeouf), the man caught in the war between two factions of alien robots, the Autobots and the Decepticons. Sam is having hallucinatory episodes of Cybertronian symbols, and is being hunted by the Decepticons under the orders of their long-trapped leader, The Fallen, who seeks to get revenge on Earth by finding and activating a machine that would provide the Decepticons with an energon source, destroying the Sun and all life on Earth in the process.

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009):
Optimus Prime: For the last two years, an advanced team of new Autobots has taken refuge here under my command. Together, we form an alliance with the humans: a secret but brave squad of soldiers, a classified strike team called NEST. We hunt for what remains of our Decepticon foes, hiding in different countries around the globe...

Ironhide: (to a captured Demolishor) Punk-ass Decepticon!
Optimus Prime: Any last words?
Wheelbot: This is not your planet to rule! The Fallen shall rise again!
Chief Master Sergeant Epps: (puzzled) That did not sound good.
Optimus Prime: Not today.
(blasts Wheelbot in the head)

(Galloway interrupts the NEST briefing to General Morshower)
Major Lennox: Director Galloway, our National Security Advisor. The President just appointed him liaison...
(rolls his eyes)
General Morshower: Well I guess I didn't get that memo.

Galloway: Now, what do we know so far? We know that the enemy leader - classified NBE-1, aka Megatron - is rusting in peace at the bottom of the Laurentian Abyss, surrounded by sophisticated detection nets AND full-time submarine surveillance. We also know that the only remaining piece of your alien All Spark is locked in an electromagnetic vault, here on one of the most secure naval bases in the world...
Soundwave: Decepticons: we have located the shard.

by The Centurion June 30, 2012

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