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Useless random things you can click on .

urbandictionary.com noice

by CrazyFishDaGreat May 29, 2020


The best dictionary in existence, no one can top it. Extreme gigachads use this to defines words.

Woah let’s go to urbandictionary.com and find some 100% real and true definitions.

by “Sleeping”Nugget October 27, 2022


The site you're on right now; a website were you can look up, and write definitions of, slang, mostly sex-related.

I was looking up Urban Dictionary, and I didn't know what a Alaskan Firedragon was, so I looked it up on UrbanDictionary.com

by Sheet Smart ;) April 7, 2017


The website that you're looking at right now has user-posted definitions, some of which are pretty wrong.

Why are you looking at this post on urbandictionary.com?

by KillerBangs April 30, 2023


The website your on right now

Im Goona type urbandictionary.com now

by LeoFerei November 18, 2020


A place where people give words fake NSFW definitions.

Person 1: She broke up with me :(
Person 1: Oh! Now that she broke up. Guess it's urbandictionary.com o'clock! Time to sexualize the word accordion!

by Approaching Minimums July 3, 2022


The site you are on at the moment.

What are you doing searching up urbandictionary.com on Urban Dictionary, though?

by GameSecrets March 14, 2018