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April 3

If your born on April 3rd you very funny and a bastard your, very popular

My friend was born on April 3rd and he is really funny

by Why is there a... April 15, 2021

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

january the 3

Best day in the world

wow 3 january is the best day in the world
january the 3 is the best day in the world omg is used very often

by Fuck KAM all my homies hate KA January 5, 2018

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

december 3

national pajama day!!!! everyone wear your pajamas to school and tell all your friends!

hey what day is tomorrow
it’s december 3! national pajama day!

by whoevenareyou December 3, 2019

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


This is supposed to resemble a man's genitals. 8 resembling the balls, = resembling the you know what and the 3 resembling the end. Yeah pretty sick.

Did you see that guy's 8=3 on chat roulette! It was sick!

by monkeyking424 April 24, 2010

29πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

fallout 3

One of the best games of 2008 (in my personal opinion). It is somewhat of resemblance to oblivion, I say this because of the go anywhere do anything and fuck up everyones life feeling to it. The game is made by Bethesda and isn't quite like the original fallouts. Even though it takes place in a post apocalyptic Washington DC it's combat system is not like fallout 1 and 2. In my personal opinion this is one of the greatest games made in 2008, but thats just me. And people, if you say its not like oblivion then your not into either, because it is, in the sense of going out into the world and doing things, but unlike oblivion it doesnt have a lot of quests to do.

Fallout 3 is a great game all around, even if there are a few glitchs threw out a massive wasteland its still great. A need for all gamers

by phatkid1221@yahoo.com November 23, 2009

107πŸ‘ 96πŸ‘Ž

Halo 3

T3h ub3rly aw3s0m3 anticipated pwn4g3 game of 2007. This game rocks my socks.

WTF! Halo 3 is out?!? Nigga, get that shit now!

by soulfaithful May 18, 2007

146πŸ‘ 136πŸ‘Ž

Number 3

Taking a crap so big that it exceeds Number 2 status. A crap so large that you only see, hear about or experience it on a few occasions a lifetime. It is so big a plunger can't even begin to have an effect on it.

Man I wouldn't go in there because Johnny just took a Number 3 and a plumber is on the way to unclog the pipes.

by BackDoorMan84 August 31, 2014

23πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž