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Big million

A word thats used to describe something truly great.

Wow did you see the outfit Chris is wearing? It sure is big million!

Dude this episode of The Completionist is big million.

by _kris__ June 3, 2018

Big as a house

Fat as fuck

Big as fuck
Big as a bitch

Damn she big as a house

by Cheekclapper 3000 August 16, 2019

Big Dada

As in Big Data meets George Orwell's Big Brother, except worse. i.e. The NSA, CIA, Google, Facebook, facial recognition, drones, etc. creating massive databases of everything we say and do.

Lets hope the Thought Police are not coming anytime soon.

Example: "Watch what you say and do, Big Dada is tracking you. He is everywhere! Lets hope the Thought Police are not coming anytime soon."

by DanMc2013 July 20, 2013

Big Sesh

A session of large proportions. These typically occur in the city of Swansea, Wales.

"Woah, last night was such a big sesh."

by BigSeshMaster January 12, 2014

big naw

A god like man with a cult following. When used, it replaces the person’s name, and refers to a person who usually drinks Jägermeister and parties heavily.

Big Naw is a Patron Saint with many disciples.

You only address Ian as Big Naw due to his partying level.

by Chris P. Back January 10, 2018

Big McIntosh

the name of Apple Jack’s big brother. He would make any lady horse simp for him any day of the week. He is a red horse from the show My Little Pony and if he was a human we would be fine as heck.


by big kiwi 🥝 June 6, 2020

big rain

found everywhere but mostly in scotland..

a type of rain that sounds like a lorry outside your window..
usually involves gettin soaked if your out in it and no waterproof clothing will stop it from running down your back
described as "dingin doon" in aberdeenshire

what was that?
fecking hell it"s a big rain shower

by luvs69ss August 10, 2010