the muscular tube leading from the external genitals to the cervix of the uterus in women.
A women's vagina (The walls should be pinkish in color)
As we started to make love, I slid into her pink room.
A place where you smoke weed and/or trip psychedelics in.
Aye bro, wanna chill in the boom room?
locker room talk, but the comments are made about each other.
me and the guys kept joking around about sucking each other’s dicks. yknow, classic dressing room talk.
locker room talk but for gay people
we were teasing each other and talking about sucking each other’s dicks. yknow, classic dressing room talk.
A designated room at a party for rooting.
*Eshay to the host* "oi cunt where ya root room?!"
A room in a house party designated for rooting.
Esh to the host: "oi cunt where's ya root room"
A term popularized by Acrylix used to describe offensive maneuvering that causes the chaser to swing aimlessly, AKA spinning the killer.
"OMG I JUST SPUN THE KILLER , GREEN ROOM!" (Ken Carson playing in the background)